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  1. XPac2

    Fuckin young love...

    Ok so a couple of thirteen year olds were just screaming at each other outside my damn window about the "love" they shared and how they "couldnt believe he'd do that" and that "she thought he loved her" after they'd been together for 3 months so i started thinking... do u guys think that 8th...
  2. XPac2

    Jizz in the Eye?

    Does this really hurt ladies? Cos i almost did it to my gf the other nite and she refuses to look at it at eye level nw lol.
  3. XPac2

    VET Entertainment

    Does anyone else here do VET Entertainment? I'm on the first Preliminary Assessment task :(
  4. XPac2

    One in a million: Interracial Twins!

    Black and white twins | Mail Online its weird...
  5. XPac2

    Objectification of women in todays society.

    Discuss. now.
  6. XPac2

    GF's bestfriend Hates me!

    Anyone else every get that? Really awesome chick but her male best friend who cant seem to back off and let her be happy just wont let you near her?
  7. XPac2


    Is australia's sense of equality warped? With the Aboriginal Australians recieving unlimited freedoms and benefits from Centrelink and the Government itself, i have to say that it surely is warped. While Aboriginal Australias were the first Australians, surely we Whities deserve the same, fair...
  8. XPac2


    Who here has ever been in a long distance relationship? Did it work out?
  9. XPac2


    Anyone else love this band? It has Y2J in it they rock.
  10. XPac2

    DDE and Forum

    Hey, does anyone here work under the Dubbo School of Distance Education? And is anyone else on the Dubbo student Forum?
  11. XPac2

    Stupid fights?

    So whats the stupidest thing you've ever fought with your special someone about?
  12. XPac2

    Where's the love?

    Ok, so there's been a number of threads dedicated to abusing and pissing each other off. Where's the love at??
  13. XPac2

    Is Rock and Roll evil?

    Ok, we've all heard the old fashioned old farts saying that rock and roll is the devils music. Whats your opinion?
  14. XPac2

    Andrew Martin

    Andrew Martin, otherwise known to the wrestling world as Test or The Punisher, was found dead in his apartment last week. RIP Andrew, on behalf of BoS.
  15. XPac2


    What kind of music do you guys have on your phones?
  16. XPac2

    Rage against the machine?

    Does anyone else just love this band????????????
  17. XPac2

    Should abusing people at random be illegal?

    I think it should be. What do you think Epicfailguy? Boris?
  18. XPac2

    Critique Needed!

    I need someone who is willing to read the onehundred page transcript of my new book calleed "Elf Canyon" message me if you can!!
  19. XPac2

    The Lovely Bones?

    Has anyone read this story? I loved it:) It's by Alice Sebold.
  20. XPac2


    yes, that is an intentional spelling error. Lol does any one have Dyslexia?