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  1. Boo_

    the OC

    lol, u have obviously been brainwashed, cause the nerd ones were the best!!!
  2. Boo_

    the OC

    it was the first and only mcflurry i ever had, the second time i wanted one, they didnt have hte nerd ones nemore...
  3. Boo_

    NRL Thread

    he is getting suspended...
  4. Boo_

    the OC

    lol...but im already a computer nerd...u can be a nerd...mmm speaking of nerds, lol, they made the best mcflurrys with nerds...
  5. Boo_

    the OC

    lol, aww, and here i thought we could both be computer nerds together...damn, guess i need to turn to joe...
  6. Boo_

    the OC

    lol..well u know how u erase a re-writtable cd to remove everything off it??? well itz like that but on a computer harddrive...
  7. Boo_

    the OC

    same, but of gotton quite good at not getting any, lol, got bout 4 spyware scanners, and 1 blocker, run the scans every 2-3 weeks, i only ever get mayb one bit of spyware...
  8. Boo_

    the OC

    mine have been ok, how bout urs??? every1 wants food:)
  9. Boo_

    the OC

    lol, yeah, reformat solves all problems...that and system restore...and making sure no crap is on ur computer (like viruses and spyware etc.)
  10. Boo_

    the OC

    lol, but smallville rocks, we all know that deep down u love smallville as well...itz deep down with ur hatred for the word rorters:)
  11. Boo_

    the OC

    and im ur boo:)
  12. Boo_

    NRL Thread

    barret wont contest the charge, cause he would definately lose, he'll got early guilty plea, and then only miss one game. marsh will also enter an early guilty plea and not miss any games.
  13. Boo_

    What is ur trial timetable like?

    over the two week, i got one exam every im not complaning
  14. Boo_

    the OC

    lol, the keywords beinh 'here' and 'there' lol, more like hardly ever, lol, but yeah, this thread rocks!!! and so does all the ppl in here...and erh...te oc does to...and smallville:)
  15. Boo_

    the OC

    i luv it!!!
  16. Boo_

    NRL Thread

    haha, knights won!!! woow!!! 22-18:)
  17. Boo_

    NRL Thread

    haha, yeah, totally!!!
  18. Boo_

    NRL Thread

    lol, haha, yeah jst saw the scores, roosters lost, lol... 26-26 against tigers go doggies 24-26 over warriors!!! hope knights win, lol, they deserve to with that comeback
  19. Boo_

    the OC

    so u mean, that the thread will be bac to normal???
  20. Boo_

    NRL Thread

    when did across the jaw become not high??? barret got an elbow cross the jaw