same, but of gotton quite good at not getting any, lol, got bout 4 spyware scanners, and 1 blocker, run the scans every 2-3 weeks, i only ever get mayb one bit of spyware...
barret wont contest the charge, cause he would definately lose, he'll got early guilty plea, and then only miss one game. marsh will also enter an early guilty plea and not miss any games.
lol, the keywords beinh 'here' and 'there' lol, more like hardly ever, lol, but yeah, this thread rocks!!!
and so does all the ppl in here...and erh...te oc does to...and smallville:)
lol, haha, yeah jst saw the scores, roosters lost, lol... 26-26 against tigers
go doggies 24-26 over warriors!!!
hope knights win, lol, they deserve to with that comeback