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  1. S

    Did the teacher teach?

    Friend has made a complaint. Extension subjects only have 4 bands. Student told he was briliant, parent told child was brilliant. Parent had no experience with history. THought teacher knew best. Student is top of assessment schedule. Other students told they were brilliant. 80%...
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    Judge from the amount of marks on offer so question 1 ais f marks try to write 5 things 1b is 8 marks aim for 8 things and 2/3 of a page 1c is 12 marks aim for 11/2 pages question 2 is 25 marks, aim for 4/6 pages. Then consider quantity and quality 6 pages of waffle is not as good...
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    Did the teacher teach?

    This is what happens. You make a formal written complaint to area office. If you ask for compensation the matter goes to a departmental solicitor who investigates the truth of the complaint. The solicitor reports to the department who then contacts contacts the complainent. The...
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    Did the teacher teach?

    Thanks, it is going to be a lonely journey for them
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    Did the teacher teach?

    no not me. I keep trying because I can't get any realistic advice. It happened. Headmaster has acknowledged it happened. These people dont know what to do. They have sufferred a financial loss where HECS is concerned Uni was delayed a year. They need help. Not well versed in this type...
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    Did the teacher teach?

    Well if Icould get some help rather than criticism it could go away. No complaints were made because the teacher said everything was great and sadly was believed. Its not what happened but what would you do if it did happen. Also do you know any case where it did happen and what did they...
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    Did the teacher teach?

    He still needs help. Have not had anyone recommended yet Please help.
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    Did the teacher teach?

    Student feels the teacher told him he was doing very well. Band 1 means he didn't meet any of the outcomes. If student knew things were bad he could have sought extra help. I dont really want to go in to detail I need to find someone who can help. Put it this way Pretend someone didn't...
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    Pathways, have you heard of it - need advice!

    Some options: If you are at a private school you may be able to enrol at OTEN 9715 8000. It is a distance education school that specializes in HSC subjects. Ask for the HSC co-ordinator and explain your situation. You can do a subject then by correspondence during your HSC year. You could...
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    Did the teacher teach?

    I have a friend who sat HSC last year. Her extension history class got 9 band 1's and 3 band 2's. Some students were told they were brilliant. First in the assessment schedule got a band 1. A student has made a written complaint. Who should he see. Is there anyone who helps students in...
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    Librarians course..

    Yes I am serious. Women are devalued all the time in media and art. This leads woment o be treated as less than others. We live in a multicultural society. Is it any wonder that some cultures with a conservative view of what women should do would think that australian culute reflects an...
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    We are beating UTS...

    Well eviltama I see your not above using your position as moderator to censor the site where I am concerned but not yourself where the avatar is concerned. Very interesting
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    Making a film

    You can find out what the markers think by going to the Board of Studies site, go to subject syllabus site for Visual Arts and find the exam report. It will give you all the advice you need
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    We are beating UTS...

    eviltama Please remove your avatar it is demeaning to women. It shows a passive acceptance of sexual assault even if it is delivered in a beautiful way. It is not acceptable for this site. Get rid of it
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    Librarians course..

    Hi Mr Wiggle I have done all the things you suggested. The silence is deafening. eviltama must have received my request and Lazarus too but no response. THis is sad. The avatar is offensive. It does not matter if it is put there by a woman or a man It is bad. It is even worse when...
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    Anyone try OTEN Institute of TAFE

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    Urgent! - What is the regulation size for a canvas(major)?

    'Individual paintings on a stretched canvas, masonite canvas board or similar, must not exceed 2 square metres in area. Individual paintings over 2 square metres must be rolled, folded or hinged. The complete submission must not exceed 6 square metres when displayed for marking.' From the...
  18. S

    Librarians course..

    Eviltama please change your avatar, it is offensive to women it glorifies violence and sexual gratification