How hard is it for the board to say to them, set a date for the exams you make to be done on, and they WILL be done on this date?? Ie. Get rid of the 'security period'
How was I blaming the wrong people?
Shit, they can ALL have INFLUENCE
Why can't they just make a rule that says, any exams purchased externally must all be sat on the same day? Is that too hard???
What if a similar situation happened somewhere else and wasn't detected because the person...
This issue should be blown up because the Department of Education and and Board Of Studies need to moderate it a LOT MORE, especially with these companies selling exams!!!
Hey hey hey.... I'm all for doing the exam again... that doesn't bother me, what pissed me off was the schools insolence/lack of flexibility in moving the exam to a more suitable time... but fuck, nothing I can do about it, its a useless power struggle.
Oh so it's a stupid question is it? How about the fact that she went to Wade High?
Maybe she knows some of the teachers bored of studies aliases and has been discussing this post via Private Message.
"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people".
Karen, I didn't say anything...
Quote from cannonrun, couldn't be bothered using the "quote button" and looking through
"For Paper One, you would have to remember all the stimulus texts which would be next to impossible while still doing the exam, and for any other subject paper the sheer number of questions generally makes...
there is a difference between 'should be' and reality... maybe we have set our time to study around the exams? Not forgetting that its also more time away from that afternoon for study for other things.
And this isn't exactly the case because it is a purchased exam, our school didn't write it.
Technically, any school that sat that same paper after Tuesday the 16th of August should have to sit it again because the security has been breached.