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  1. D

    UAC email not letting me apply

    You just have to type it in capital letters and it works fine.
  2. D

    Who is paying for Schoolies?

    Well I'm paying for accomodation which is about $85, then my parents are giving me some money for food/alcohol, no idea how much though.
  3. D

    What will your UAC preferences be??

    1. B Speech Pathology at UNCLE 2. B Social Work at UNCLE 3. B Arts at UNCLE I don't think I need to put down anything else, cause if I don't even get into Arts at UNCLE I'm pretty screwed.
  4. D

    Do my Survey

    Gender (please bold answer): Male Female Age (please bold answer): 12-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50+ 1. Do you know what Short Hand is? (Please bold answer) Yes No 2. Do/Have you use(d) Short Hand before? (Please bold answer) Yes No 3. Why do/did you use(d) Short Hand? I...
  5. D

    Cross Cultural Perspective??

    A cross cultural perspective is one other than your own, be it from another country, gender, generation etc. The cross cultural comparison in your PIP is to explore this other perspective and compare it to your own using cultural relativism (not really sure if you can use that term when...
  6. D

    USYD's 'Degree in a Day'

    A few of my friends and I are going, I registered on Wednesday. My first choices were Psychology and the Working for Justice one about social workers. I'm pretty excited about it, even though I'm not going to the University of Sydney.