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    Assessment of the significance of the Manhattan Project to society

    what else do you expect from a bunch of 17 and 18 year olds?
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    Assessment of the significance of the Manhattan Project to society

    lol, I'd like to see someone say that in the exam :)
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    Thinking SDD or IPT

    My major project was all about programming. However bear in mind that the bulk of SDD is theory, and so is IPT. The main difference is that IPT is more about hardware and SDD is more software-oriented
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    Module A - Transformations

    This was the worst question for me. Didn't leave enough time either but I thought I got some good ideas down so it should be OK
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    Module B - All Texts

    Ditto. It was exactly the essay I memorised at home, so I just inserted some extra argument stuff and copied the whole thing.
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    Hands in PAIN

    My hand only just stopped aching this morning, and I won't even get into how hard it was to clean the ink off my left hand... So who wants to join me at the beach to have a nice big bonfire where we burn all our texts? :D
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    Readings in Jane Eyre

    Does anyone know a good reading for the love story/fairy tale aspect of Jane Eyre? And was there any critic who praised Bronte's use of poetic imagery? I can't remember this one's name... I think it might have been Cyril or something
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    paper 2

    The likely scenario is that we'll get at least one essay, possibly two. The other(s) will be something like a weekly column or a conversation, but not completely random (write a short story based on Hamlet and how Stoppard has transformed it... hehe)
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    Frontline Related Text ..

    There's a video or something you can get that includes itnerviews with some of the housemates. You could use articles about the WMD's and Howard's 'knowledge ' (or lack thereof) for a more recent issue, but everyone will be using those so I'd advise against it. Personally I'm using a Chaser...
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    evidence of increases in sulfur oxides

    evidence: acid rain->dissolving statues + lakes acidifying records since 1950's when we got instruments accurate enough to measure low conc Acid rain's the main one I think...
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    balancing equations

    Yep, since you'll get differing amounts of C and CO depending on how much oxygen is present
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    How to get higher marks in english!

    I doubt it really matters much: 1 intro + 3-5 body + conclusion=a max of 8 lines spacing btwn paragraphs which is about a 1/4 of an HSC booklet page.
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    what kind of text is sky high?

    Sorry to disagree with everyone... isn't it a reflective piece?
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    your option topic

    We're doing medical, but I really wanted Q2Q. We almost got enough votes and then the teacher told us that the head of department 'decided' we should do medical. DIE EVIL TEACHER!!!
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    national chemistry comp

    I got a HD, don't know how but yeah:cool:
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    National Qualifying Exam

    I went for it last year... learnt almost nothing for it and scraped a Credit somehow :) It's damn hard, you have to learn heaps of extra crap in your own time to do well
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    frontline quotes...

    For "Smaller Fish": "we've put it on the's just being run past a few people...don't want to upset anyone...can't condemn them for one piece of footage...we have courts to decide these things" I'm not using the other 2 episodes so I can't help there...
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    how to stop story telling?

    Yep I think so, and you gotta remember that the examiners don't actually care what your texts are so there's no point talking about them that way ( as if they actually have a plot...)
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    PLEASE mark me!

    I think you've put too much detail about the texts into the intro. The intro is only supposed to show where your argument is going, as opposed to doing the 'how' and 'why' of each text which you're meant to leave to the body. Also remember that repeating yourself in the exam too much might lose...
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    2003 hsc large questions??

    How could the Australian scientist one be worth 7 marks? We could also get one of those disgustingly vague outcomes questions.