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  1. J

    UAI Prediction please!

    Hey. I didnt drop maths because I just wanted to have it on my HSC - shouldnt have but oh well. my friend got an assessment of 55-60 at my school a couple of years ago and ended up with a band 6 in maths anyway! I plan on improving those marks so maybe i do have a chance at 96! thanx - hoping...
  2. J

    UAI Prediction please!

    thanks heaps for the prediction nekkid, i've got alot of work to do! I need approx. 96! And to miss gtr i really dont consider myself smart, nor you dumb - i'm sure.
  3. J

    UAI Prediction please!

    Hey. Could I please get a UAI evaluation/prediction. I go to a public selective highs school, ranked top 30 last year. Sets fairly difficult exams, and generally people's marks seem to improve in the final HSC exams Here are my marks/ranks @ h/y's. Visual Arts 98% (=2nd/18) Eng. Adv. 81%...
  4. J

    Bill Henson exhibition

    Bill Henson's work definitely faced the extremities, evoking a strong emotional response either way - you love him or hate him, nothing inbetween. I saw the exhibition twice, first with a friend, then with school. At first viewing, I honestly hated it, couldn't wait to get out. It was...
  5. J

    How did your maths 1/2 yearly go?

    Hey I go to a publicselective, boys high school 46% in maths, 10% above my class average. Grades average is around 50%. Apparently heaps of people get band 6's! How does this work?
  6. J

    Word Count

    I've done about 2000 words, some of it rather patchy. I might adopt the tactic of right 8000 words of crap, then edit, improve etc - but i dont like that idea. Does anyone else find themselves writing say 2-3 hundred words, then re-writing numerous times! Also, hows Viva Voce preparations?
  7. J

    UAI help again..

    I posted yesterday with my ranks My school was around the top 20-30 last year, can't remember exactly! Anyone got a prediction?
  8. J

    UAI help again..

    Hey here r my rankings If it alters things - i go to a public selective high school Eng. Adv. 25/116 Eng Ext. 1 15/68 Eng Ext 2 =2nd/20 Business Studies 10/32 Visual Arts 3rd/18 Modern History 10/30 Maths 2u 80/100 (bad i know, dont need to count it!) my marks are 80 upwards, with...
  9. J

    Half-Yearly Reports

    About Half Yearlys Hey guys Just wanted other peoples opinions. Have you seen past HSC papers and found them to be remarkably easier than the school-set exams? I mean, I go to a selective school, if that changes things, but the HSC seems so much easier. My marks in Halfy Yearlies were ok...
  10. J

    Not going to schoolies....why??

    Hey guys I'd like to make a small comment on schoolies, from the viewpoint of a laidback guy who likes to surf. Schoolies is a waste of time and money. With the Gold Coast slosh-fest you are looking at around 1500 dollars, when u include travel, accomodation, booze, food etc etc. - and u will...