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  1. 55078

    Disappointing Albums!

    it's not bad in that it has some good, catchy tunes. however, it failed as a second album because they didn't manage to broaden nor change their sound at all. but! it does have reptilia, so nobody could ever call it terrible. ;)
  2. 55078


    bah. i don't know... i have no problem with jews. maybe others just feel threatened because there are lots of successful jewish people. to be honest, i've actually seen more of that "gently-gently" approach to jews, whereby anyone who says anything remotely critical is branded "anti-semitic"...
  3. 55078


    i think some people perhaps feel threatened by the jewish community because they tend to stick together and they're mostly very... well, "jewish", you know? and people are obsessed with the idea of everyone assimilating. i don't know... maybe people are paranoid that the jews are conspiring...
  4. 55078

    Guys Wearing Makeups..

    no, of course you're not! <3 but lots of gay teenybopper whores like brandon flowers, especially.
  5. 55078

    Guys Wearing Makeups..

    it's nothing against you! i'm just bitter because all these neo-glam rockers are been held in such high regard by all the gay teenybopper whores and nme and all that crap, but david bowie started it all!!! omgggg ok!? :( *skulks away*
  6. 55078

    Guys Wearing Makeups..

    pshhhhhhhhh! lame lame lame copy-cats. bowie wins, easily. hands down. win win win.
  7. 55078

    Guys Wearing Makeups..

  8. 55078

    Guys Wearing Makeups..

    lee harding is disgusting. get better taste, diane!
  9. 55078

    Guys Wearing Makeups..

    you are disgusting. lee harding!? what. the. hell?
  10. 55078

    Guys Wearing Makeups..

  11. 55078

    Sylvia Plath

    yeah. :S i don't find her actual life scary at all... it's the fact that i can relate to so many of her thoughts and ideas that freaks me out. big time.
  12. 55078

    Disappointing Albums!

    show your bones was obviously not as good as fever to tell, but i think it was an excellent record in light of the whole "difficult sophomore album" tradition. i mean, they did much better job than, say, the strokes!
  13. 55078

    Young Singers

    aged from 87 to 89? young? lol. :confused:
  14. 55078

    Sylvia Plath

    i am in love with her poems. *sigh* she was amazing. i'm yet to read any of her prosaic works; The Bell Jar is next on my list of books to read though! i hear a Hollywood adaptation of the novel is in the works at the moment!
  15. 55078


    ummmm omg that is sewww hawt! duhhhh. it's got many essential trends (beads, red, patterned tights, skivvy-esque neck, 80's batwing sleeves - omg the 80's are so hot right now), so it must be trendy, right!?
  16. 55078

    Disappointing Albums!

    oh, and i found Dirty Pretty Things' album wholly disappointing.
  17. 55078

    Disappointing Albums!

    i haven't listened to it yet, but i've heard that the New York Dolls' album that they decided to make for some weird reason this year is terrible, and i'm sure i'll agree. i've no idea why in earth they would do something like that... :S
  18. 55078

    What are you currently Reading?

    i just finished 'high fidelity' by nick hornby. it made me feel not so queer about my obsessions with music! :p and i started 'the secret history' by donna tartt the other day. i must say, ms tartt's extreme wealth of knowledge for all things greek is positively formidable! still, she manages...
  19. 55078

    most depressing songs

    yes, sometimes songs just make us sad for unknown reasons! i have many of them myself, really.
  20. 55078

    most depressing songs

    ^^ i think that 'there is a light that never goes out' is the most romantic song ever! not at all sad, in my opinion!