sorry to bump the thread for all you who are sick of it and moved on...
BUT... kinda (and when i say kinda, there's really no kinda about it) hooked up with one of my best mates who i've known since the beginning of time. this was just 2 nights ago and yea... twas a drunken affair.
FUCKING HELL I WANT TO FUCKING KNOW IF I GOT PRESELECTED!!! my fucking principle is away, and my art teacher doesn't seem to give a shit anymore. he didn't even tell me when they were being marked. i only found out this afternoon that they got marked yesterday. :( just pissed off atm!
wow... yea, i thought section one was fucked. C- huh? come again!!!??? i think i crapped on about how each of the art works conveyed much the same emotions but done in different ways... yea, not a terribly strong argument i know. :S really had no idea... it threw me!
my essay was pretty ace...
yea... i've got my people but am planing on using just 2 of my 4. like... will prob end up using quilty and moffat for a question relating to the cultural frame. henson and sherman for conceptual frameworks... depends what fits best :)
find someone that is completely disconected from school and HSC and is insanely creative and steal every single idea they throw at you... run to them whenever your lacking fresh ideas, whenever your stuck for a word, whenever you just need to get that vibe back.
Talk over all your...
i think circle answers as they went on question paper which is allowed out of the exam atthe end :) i didn't think of it before though so i have no idea what i put. :( i even forgot to grab my paper... just wanted to get out of there!
i started study at about 12.30 this avo hahahaha.... :( so far ive briefly done greece 500-440 and P&H. still have sparta to whatever war it is starting with L and Caesar (knowing me thats prob spelt wrong) to go. weeeeeeeeeeee...
oh well.
there's bigger things in life then a 3...
to be honest... i really just don't give a shite ay... i mean, my art BOW is in. I put so so so much work into that... and what for? personal satisfaction hahaha... yes yes, you can call me a dick head... but hey, i'll get into the college im aiming for so why should i break my head with...
yea... um, it'd be super duper benefitial to you if you had a look at a couple of past papers... the practice ones usually involve the practice of critics to... but that's a bit harder so i recomend stearing away from them. Frames is easiest imo... you know for sure you'll be able to talk about...
um... our class has been told to major in 2 artists and one other to support... you need to be able to go into depth really well... 1.5 hours isn't long enough do sect 1 plus an essay in depth of 4+ artists... unless your a super genious. mm... that's my little bit of advice. also, try and use...
nope. i'm just going to do no more than 3. i dont want to get my facts mixed up for such an important exam... Tracy Moffatt, Cindy Sherman, and prob Andy Warhol with his film work... but i'm familiar with stacks of different artists and movements so i should be right if they go spastic and vomit...
you all thought it was good? what? NO. no. it was bad. very very very bad.
our english teacher was waiting outside for us and she just looked at us when we came out and said don't worry about it, it was shit... even head of english...
externalising the internal (Lear's downfall to madness in welcoming the storm "Blow winds and crack your cheeks..." etc) - essential dramatic technique cause in a novel for example the author is able to write how the character feels but with theater it must be either said or shown.
Dule plot...