hey al! just wondering how you all went coming up with titles for your works?
"The Ashen Memories of Bellezza"
then Ive given titles to each of the photographs... all lines from King Lear
"When we are born, we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools"
"Our flesh and blood...
haha... one of the guys in my class was feeling the same way and one lesson he was like... can't i just punch a hole in a canvas? so the whole class got in on this big discussion and we helped him turn that statement into a rather cool concept! so yea, he's literally punching a hole in a canvas...
Hey all!
just wondering what plans there are floating around for next year or after gap? Personally... really really want to go to ICPP (International College of Professional Photography) but haven't had a chance to get to an open day... anyone been? Or know it's reputation? Being 'out bush'...
in the first week of yr 11 we had to learn all the major movements chronologically so we came up with a bit of a thing to remember:
R ealism
I mpressionism
P ost- impressionism
F auvism
E xpressionism
C ubism
F uturism
D adaism
S urrealism
A bstract...
woo! just got home from my exam... smashed it i think (HOPE)... i did Q10- art being a technique of communication. talked about Tracey Moffatt and her use of signs and symbols to communicate aspects of her past then discussed Mark Rothko's use of colour to communicate particular emotions. I then...
hey also... (sorry only just saw this thread and was wondering the same thing a couple of weeks ago and went for a dig around to find out some info..)
ok so, i personally am needing to put together a photography portfolio... i guess there are much the same concepts? so these are a couple of...
Re: age difference (merged)
eh. i don't date. haha... the occasional hook up satisfies me fine... but the biggest age diff in a hook up was 6 years. 18/24. eh... he was fiiiine :D
haha... anyway... back on topic, i have naturaly straight hair and i got it permed about 2/3 months ago... the texture has completely changed for the worse... used to be really sleek and healthy now it's quite coarse and i have to put treatments through it weekly. also... so much easier to do...
ok so pretty much..... i plan on going on a drunken schoolies rampage to jesse the fag's house to burn him at the stake along with every book he's ever "attempted" to write. anyone going to join me? i vote tequila be our drink of choice. tequila or rum. either way.
mmm i love song lyrics cause i can get it suck in my head and won't forget the words... trial paper 1 tomorrow... sooooo not prepared. 11:30pm. augh. sigh... ah well my college is portfolio and interview based.
yea i totally understand ay... i had to find a way around the nudity that was going to me in mine... my whole artwork wasn't based around it though... was just a visual tool in it. to show 'vulnerability'... opted for this see through nighty thing... very innocent but still revealing etc. :) but...
yea... i got my prints done at this little random place in brissy... super good quality. they're on canvas... love the painterly texture it adds :D
i'm mounting them on like... 7mm craft board... it's reasonably light... wont warp and it's a good flat surface for the canvas to stick to with...
AH! my prints get back tomorrow!!! :D:D:D hahaha... it's costing me $600 for the prints alone... up to about $900 all up :O crazy crazy crazy... worth it though... i love it so so much!!! i have two 1mt square prints on canvas, a 40x100cm square and two 40x40cm square... so about 3mt sq all up :D