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    market plan? food product development assignment

    talk about the 4p's- product, place, price and promotion...that should cover it. I have an assignment similar to that at the moment...except easier because my teacher has basically spoon fed the class bacause she thinks we're all idiots lol.
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    Dirt Music

    Is there anyone doing "Dirt Music" for their related text that can help me out? I'm having a bit of trouble relating it to RFTG and that whole hybridity thing we have to support. Anyone?
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    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    Do u make friends with a guys who swears? If u do then thats a double standard if i ever saw one.
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    Thanx Dave :)
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    one poem or two?- father and child

    Yea one poem, two sections. So if you do father and child then you have to do Barn owl and Nightfall. And you know how in the romantic tradition the poet casts themselves as the persona? Well Harwood ACTUALLY shot a barn owl when she was a little girl! Is it just me or is that really...
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    Does anyone have any suggestions for a good visual related text for RFTG:confused:
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    Let's Liven up the Food Tech Forum!!

    Yea, people do have stories to tell. My teacher especially and her *shudder* dating storis...scarred for life
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    gah! I hate having to do gwen harwood!!

    I know how you feel! That's what we're doing at the moment. Our teacher told us that we should use a reading that matches our personal respose to the poem. Like if, when you read "Prize Giving", you think that Professor Eisenbart is a complete misoginist, you should do a feminist reading. And...
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    RFTG creative writing HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hahaha thanks lis!This is what my brain felt like last night:bomb:
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    RFTG creative writing HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, I have to write a narrative on RFTG for an assessment task and its due in 2 days and i'm completely stuck. Can anyone help me out with a few starting ideas please?