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  1. R


    (That's true. As long as it's at a different university.)
  2. R

    What's the appeal of Law?

    'Helping people' is technically redundant if you consider that a vast majority of lawyers go into commercial/corporate law. Most lawyers don't see the inside of a court room. I think that's what tommykins meant. Yes and unfortunately there are also some Legal Aid or community lawyer positions...
  3. R

    What's the appeal of Law?

  4. R

    What's the appeal of Law?

    By the way, 'helping people' is not what you'll hear from most law students/graduates, by far. They know they want that high paying law firm job, at least they're honest about that. But you will hear it from most med students. If helping people was the real reason, you'd see much more of...
  5. R

    What's the appeal of Law?

    Unfortunately, those are probably the dominant reasons most law students choose to go into law. And it's reflected by the number of law graduates who gun for the high-paid and prestigious private commercial law firm places upon graduation. Considerably fewer number of law graduates intentionally...
  6. R

    Juggling School/Uni and Job

    Exactly. Self-discipline and focus is the key.
  7. R

    What's the appeal of Law?

    Mahlab produces annual salary surveys and analyses of the legal profession. Mahlab's 2008 salary analysis is briefly summarised on Legal Business Online's website. Looks pretty good to me: Lawyer salaries unaffected by economic turmoil By Richard Szabo | Monday, 4 August 2008 Private...
  8. R

    Am I too late?

    tf dude, I know that, bradman had mentioned it above. But late rounds are a bit harder to get into if the places are all filled, and that's why I said "IF you've missed the current uni rounds (including the first and late rounds)..." all is not lost. :)
  9. R

    Arrogant Australians! We have a bad reputation overseas?

    Australian tourists held after drunken brawl in Rome FOUR Australian tourists have been taken into custody and released after a drunken brawl in Rome that left a policeman seriously injured. The men became involved in an argument outside the John Bull pub at about 10.30pm on Monday...
  10. R

    Am i doing something wrong?

    Yeah, take your resume offline. Put it back on after you've removed your personal details. Can the mods take it off for the OP until he gets back? I can help improve the presentation of your resume though, so shoot me a pm when you get back. I'm going offline soon, if I'm not around I'll get...
  11. R

    Is transfering like wasting a year?

    This is what they say at the USyd engineering website: Flexibility is built in to the Sydney University Engineering program by having a largely common first year and the ability to transfer between streams based on performance at university. So there you go, you won't be wasting a year...
  12. R

    Is transfering like wasting a year?

    Back when I was uni, the engineering degrees usually have a common first year that all engineering students do which consist of all the core/basic engineering subjects. Then from second year, the different engineering students branch off to their respective engineering degrees. So if you want to...
  13. R

    Questions about University...

    Lecture - you sit in a large room, the lecturer stands in front of everyone and talks for about 50mins using slides or PowerPoint presentations to help get ideas across about whatever topic he's covering for that lecture. You listen and take notes and you can usually put your hand up and ask...
  14. R

    "teen love"

    Well, I guess you could say it's pure love because it doesn't come with the kind of baggage that older people bring into their relationships later in life.
  15. R

    "teen love"

    There is a physiological theory for this also. The teenage years are when puberty takes place and the body undergoes tremendous physical change from the adolescence of a 'child' and into a transitional period before adulthood arrives. One of the key facilitators of this change are the hormones...
  16. R

    Med or dentistry

    Spend a day at a hospital, particularly at the ER and I guarantee you'll see much much 'creepier' things than 'elderly's teeth'.
  17. R

    Nuclear Medicine

    Thanks for that explanation, now it makes sense. In that case, does radiology encompass a spread of all those areas? Because I had always thought that radiology involved aspects of all three areas you described too.
  18. R

    Med or dentistry

    That's very good advice. On the other hand, I also know people who are very very sure that medicine is a career that they really really want. And doing medicine, under whatever circumstances is the only thing that will make them happy and feel fulfilled. So they would always choose medicine no...
  19. R

    arts degree

    I also posted this here:
  20. R

    Med or dentistry

    You can specialise in dentistry too. But if you were to choose med, what specialist area do you think you'd go into?