you can find the exam hard and still get a band 6...
prepare to get criticised, but i think that the questions this year were more general than specific compared to past HSC papers...
think what you want to think ... for the record THE HSC IS CLASSIFIED AS WORK ... this is the 13 year JOB that comes to the end on the basis of knowledge and ability to APPLY knowledge... the foundations of life is BUILT UPON ones ABILITY to approach the HSC
hardwork shows determination...
also i dont think anyone wants to talk to a di-k head like u anyway?
who cares what ur dad does! basically ur UAI decides what course u get in to thats it... its the intelligent people who stop fu-kers like u from destroying and creating burdens to society
wow a CEO who cant think for...
I never said at one stage that the HSC was "easy"... in fact I have had to work my ass off to get results that I deserve! Anyone who bothers to put everything in should get what they aim for! I'll give you a reality check for about 3-4 months I was going to bed around 1-3am and getting up at...
yeah although it does depend what subject you do... bio was general, english was general...
the only thing that wasnt general was SOR1 multi choice... i think that was the biggest bitch although u have a 1/4 shot... but based on my melbourne cup bets today its not looking 2 good hahaha
errr u serious!
hmm i really like the course at UNSW over uSyd, ive heard that its more theory based there but i dont know
i like the idea of using architecture in video games... i met the lecturer who is interestered in all that stuff and i was agreeing with everything he said hahaha!
i personally think that the questions given this year were more general (not requiring specific information) then previous years... usually theres some specific knowledge required in order to be a higher band student but i just dont see it this time around? (ie omg that question stumped me i had...
yeah she uploaded it onto youtube!
its really good beyond the animation stuff from last year thats 4 sure! :D
for the works that get sent away does anyone know when they find out if they get nominated? thanks guys