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  1. H

    red mapple in sydney?

    just want to take some pictures and it reminds me of my wonderful days in japan :'(
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    red mapple in sydney?

    more info needed :) where exactly the path is ? thank you
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    red mapple in sydney?

    is there any places in sydney where i can see large amount of red mapple (autumn leaves) ? countryside preferred.... and when will be the best time to see... any information will be appreciated
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    Ok, i Have failed 4 subjects this semester

    ask the dean for permission to enrol that subject without prerequiste :wave: get something like this before you head to the dean
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    i love this ending, i am satisfied with it :) however, there are million of explanations for it , pick one you like :)
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    Re: Lost - Discuss Future Episodes Here! s06e14 watched great, as always. the only thing i dont understand is, why the hell those 2 koreans speak english to each other...... and i really wonder how they would end the entire series in a few more episodes
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    The Official Basketball Thread

    i have been a Laker fan since 2000, yay im 10 year old now lol hoping them to defend their cham again this year :p
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    My stupid computer keeps freezing! How do I prevent this?

    its time to get a new one
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    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    The University's Assessment and Examination of Coursework policy has been revised, and one of the changes means that the University will no longer supply calculators for use by students in final examinations at the end of each semester. GREAT!!!!!!! i can finally use my own one 1!!!!!
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    converting laptop from vista to xp.

    just go to the website of your laptop's brand, and enter the model to download all necessary drivers windows 7 is pretty good, got(downloaded) ultimate version recently and working properly XD
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    Cheapest Place to get your computer built

    i would say msy as well it seems they import everything from china =.=
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    MGS Peace Walker

    look forward to hunt tigrex with M16A1:sun:
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    Official Pokemon game thread

    hahah yeh true, pokemon grey and Panda will be the key pokemon of this gen XD
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    Official Pokemon game thread

    5th Gen Pokemon announced !!!!! Pokemon Black & Pokemon White
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    Computer security club?

    i want to hack my boss's computer;)
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    Too tired of travel

    just move to somewhere near campus , it solves everything =.=
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    Anyone want to buy my SMH Uni Card off me?

    hey how do u use the 1 that comes with the access card? they didnt give me the account no. for the newspaper card or its just the same as my access card? speaking of access card , where the hell can i check my number since it is not written on the card :(
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    wifi at usyd

    for the PCs that require ur login name & pw , 6mb for the PCs that require ur barcode on ur card , UNLIMITED, trust me !!!
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    how would i go about...

    im interested :p pm me more details plz >.<
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    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    to jasonml: ur picture, LMAO