If an essay question asks us in the second person (e.g. How was your understanding of the journey impacted upon by the study of blabla bla...) then do we answer in the first person and use "I" and "my" and stuff, or do we stick to a formal 3rd person response?? please help me out here because...
Could someone please tell me how they plan on studying for part one of the exam? I've never really studied for this section in the past, but i figure that seeing as how its my HSC...
It sucks that theres only ever been one past HSC journey exam and you can't even see half the texts on the net...
I have always used prepared essays for my english exams (trials and half yearlies) and tried to adapt them to the Q and i've done pretty well so far, however I am always hearing how bad it is to prepare essays before hand, and that I should just go into the exam room with knowledge of...
How is everyone else studying for Indochina? (or any of the topics really).. they're all so broad and i have heaps of notes and stuff but reading over them just doesn't seem like enough! Is doing practice essays the best way? any pointers on the best way to study for history would be great!
I am having a bit of trouble grasping simple harmonic motion. if anyone has a past paper book, go to question 6 (a) (i) from the 1998 paper, and could you please tell me how i would approach a question like that? I don't reaaly understand the whole Vcos45 and Vsin45 thing in the answers. If you...