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  1. sayrah64

    What's Modern History Like?

    The subjects my class did were: WWI Germany Speer Conflict In Europe. this was pretty useful as the topics were all related or ran together pretty well. ie. WWI--> Germany after WW1 + Hitler----> Speer (German architect/minister for armaments who was also a friend of Hitler-------> conflict in...
  2. sayrah64

    What time does your school start?

    8.00 start for morning classes. rollcall starts at 8.55 and classes start at 9.10. finish at 3.30
  3. sayrah64

    What have you eaten today?

    nutri grain instant noodles chicken caesar salad chicken sandwich 1/2 bag of lollies :)
  4. sayrah64

    Trials Results

    wow. mine are too bad to post up :mad1: . congrats to everyone who did well though!
  5. sayrah64

    Welcome Class of 2007

    lol. too much shakespeare?
  6. sayrah64

    CSSA paper marks

    my school did the independent trial too.. I got 83% (top). not bad since I didn't really bother to study.
  7. sayrah64

    Best way to lose your hips?

    sit ups help to tone your stomach but if you want to lose weight off your hips then you should eat healthily and continue running/exercise in general. maybe you should try doing squats as well?
  8. sayrah64

    Wisdom teeth

    I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed at the start of the year. they weren't poking all the way through and the surgeon had to actually cut into my gums to get two out (this was done under general anaesthetic). I didn't really have any problems with the extraction, but the swelling lasted a few days...
  9. sayrah64

    What are you allergic to?

    I'm not allergic to anything...that I know of..:)
  10. sayrah64


    Re: First Preferences? Bachelor of Arts/Law @ Macquarie....probably changing that soon tho.
  11. sayrah64

    ADF Gap Year

    thanks! good luck to you too:)
  12. sayrah64

    ADF Gap Year

    umm.. I don't know really.. I'm pretty unsure about going through with the whole thing altogether. I just checked out the positions that were available for each and the ones that I thought suited me best were in the army. I'm not the most physically fit person so I thought choosing the option of...
  13. sayrah64

    ADF Gap Year

    I filled in the application on the site for the army...I have to ring up and work out a time for my aptitude test soon as well.. I'm not really sure if I want to go ahead with it but I don't really have any plans for my gap year and the money definately sounds good.
  14. sayrah64

    losing weight?

    Re: Are YOU trying to lose weight? I'm really bad at trying to lose weight cos I can't resist junk food..and I do no exercise whatsoever. I guess I am pretty lucky though, I have a pretty fast metabolism so I can eat whatever I want without putting on too much weight. I'm really unfit...
  15. sayrah64

    The Woolworths Thread

    I am also a 'fresh food person'. I work on checkouts and it is pretty much hell. my availability is always ignored and the supervisors are SO bitchy that people have quit purely because the bitching became too much. I've been working there for a few years though.. so I kinda just put up with it...