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  1. D


    Q25 C ii) 170 iii) 85% iv) 20/150 = 2/15
  2. D

    pplz ever thinking of doing FT

    im warding all off ever doing food tech, i repeat don't choose it, especially if u get a crumy teacher who just reads and makes u copy straight out of the textbook or worse the excell book which is already summarised. if that happens to u to then i really suggest that u demand to change to a...
  3. D

    Thoughts on the test

    All i can say is WOOHOO!!! food tech is over...never have to sit through a boring classes (where we copied straight out of the text book *yawn*or straight from the excell book) ever again....WOOHOO!!! no more food tech:)
  4. D

    Wilfred Owen

    i managed to do 3 poems - the send off, anthem for doomed youth and the last laugh
  5. D

    Module A - Elective 3: Image

    how can some people be so sure theyve done great on an exam...usually when u think uve aced an exam u usually end up doing alot worse then u thought
  6. D

    Module A - Elective 3: Image

    well i know i sux at image and totallystuffed the question up...what i wrote about my prescribed text i don't think even related to the question, but i think my related texts did????:(...i prefered the questions i had for the 2 other modules