I was wondering if someone could help me decipher exactly what my course entails? I was reading the course outline thingy and it said something about open electives. What is an open elective and what do I have to choose from? Oh and my course is a Bachelor of Science (Psychology). Thanks.
I got into psychology. I'm stoked. It was my third preference but after getting a crap UAI, i was happy with this. But i'll be deferring it for a year for a few reasons so I won't be there til next year.
Btw, bloodysunday, forensic science was one of my preferences but it was pretty far down.
I was hoping to go here, my top two choices were ANU courses, but now I've seen the cut-offs and there's no way in hell I'm gunna make it. Well, guess I'll find out tomorrow.
I know I should've posted this in the exam thoughts thread but my internet stuffed up and that thread is closed now. I figured I should let you all know, my business studies teacher told me that out of all the people that did question 27 (instead of 28), 80% got 8 or lower! Out of 20.
I got a necklace from my parents and a ring from my sister just before the exams, for finishing school. And my dad's taking me and my best friend horse-riding the day after my last exam.
We only have one drama teacher, but he teaches english too I think. And we have one drama room, its in the same block as the art rooms and just above the woodwork rooms. Its tiny and dark and really creepy when you first walk in cause it has black curtains and black walls. I prefer to go in...
If they hadn't already collected the papers, they might be trying to prevent you from nicking someone's or something equally paranoid.
At my school, we had to sit around for ages while they collected each booklet. And they kept yelling at people for talking. Dunno why. Its too late to change...
Oh sh*t! Whoops. Okay, maybe I didn't go as well as I thought. That's the second one I've found out I stuffed up. I mucked up the first one with the bags of straw too.
How come some schools got em back before holidays but we still haven't got ours? I checked with my teacher on thursday and she reckoned the PIPS wouldn't have been marked yet. So there's no way we'll have them back until at least the S&C exam, maybe even later.
Took me about 25 mins. I kept getting the weirdest patterns though. Like no C's for ages, and at the end it was mostly As and Ds. Did anyone else have that?
Okay, just finished. I think I did alright. Its actually the first one I feel pretty confident about. There's a few bits I think I stuffed up on. Btw, on the question about Carmel and her straw, how many bags of straw did you get? I think I ended up waaaaay over. My conversion from metres to...
Oh my god! Totally stuffed this up. I spent way too long on the first question and then just crapped on for the next two. I didn't really like any of the questions and the last one totally eliminated one of my related texts so I had to think of a new one on the spot. I am so screwed for english...
Help Please
I was wondering if someone could give me some notes on the following texts-
Summer of the 17th Doll- Ray Lawler
A Touch of Silk- Betty Roland
Speed-The-Plow- David Mamet
A Streetcar Named Desire- Tennessee Williams
I can't find many notes on most of them and really need the...
I was wondering how you refer to a TV show in terms of director/author/composer? Who do you use? With books, you use author, movies, you use director but what about TV shows? Cause there's different directors for every episode.
I became much more passionate about my topic and now i really want to do something about it. I also learnt heaps about various aspects of my topic. Plus i learnt stuff about myself cause the topic was really personal to me.
I heard that a school somewhere was in trouble coz of explicit content in their GDP. Does anyone know any more info? Was it the markers that stopped them or their teacher? And what exactly were they doing that was so bad?