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    music and drama??

    My best friend does music, drama AND art. She was totally freaking last week. But now most of them are done. I had drama and a society and culture PIP so I was going kinda crazy too. Trying to prioritize one or the other.
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    breaking up...

    Well, yeah. But i do like them to be a bit sensitive and stuff. Its just that there's this guy that likes me atm and he's annoying the hell out of me. And i don't like him! But everyone else bloody encourages him.
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    The Examiners Come To Town

    Our school just found out that we're on the very first day of marking! And we are soooo behind. Eeeek!
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    breaking up...

    Yeah i guess. I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to guys so...I really dunno. The guy I like atm is kinda sweet but also kinda assertive and confident. Thats what i like about him. I don't like total bad boys but i don't like wholesome good boys. I prefer a mix, with an emphasis on the sweet...
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    breaking up...

    I broke up with him over the internet mainly cause i just wasn't attracted to him and it was a relationship of convenience. It was also cause he tried to push me into sleeping with him. I learnt a lot actually. Like that I prefer guys with a bit of a bad side. I dislike the blatant adoration...
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    Crunch time.

    My IP is pretty much done, written exam I'm worried about and our GP is in big trouble. We've changed it so many times and I'm confused about what exactly we're doing now. Luckily, most of us are pretty good actors so... Should be alright. We have a drama night in a few weeks with another campus...
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    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    I'm 18 and single. I've only ever had one boyfriend and been kissed twice. Does that make me a loser?
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    IP Help and Discussion

    I'm doing scriptwriting but i'm struggling with the rationale. Would anyone be willing to read what i've done and say if it looks alright?
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    What are you doing ur PIP on?

    Cool, i've come across slash for one of my fave TV shows. Getting used to it more and kinda starting to enjoy them! Good luck for ur PIP. How are you relating the slash to society and culture? Popular culture?