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  1. SimonLee13

    Would you date you?

    You should change the question to " If you were of the opposite sex, would you date yourself"
  2. SimonLee13


    People don't have a right to end their life... euthanasia is illegal in many areas of the world?
  3. SimonLee13

    Weight Of Your School Bag.

    HSC year 2004... so not from school?
  4. SimonLee13

    James Ruse are cheaters and the BOS do not care.

    [/B] They have sports but a limited range on the competitive level. Since when was walking a sport anyway?
  5. SimonLee13

    Dropped to General

    So... you're the equivalent of being in year 13 essentially... and you're doing general maths... and you've finished the advanced course already. Did something traumatic happen in yr 11+12? The situation is completely absurd imo but w/e.
  6. SimonLee13

    I only work under pressure

    The only time i've ever been early for assignments, is when I forget the due date. So in my high school life, i've finished one more than 1 day before due date.
  7. SimonLee13


    Religion fits into geography... how?
  8. SimonLee13

    [actuary] -

    I know students who are doing Business+Legal+Economics, and they're doing very well. Similiar to people who do Biology+Physics+Chemistry, the workload seems intense but ultimately, if you enjoy it, you'll do fine regardless of anything else. Actuary - Highest drop out rate out out of any...
  9. SimonLee13

    Holidays before year 12?

    Revise everything in maths + read yr 12 eco+legal notes.
  10. SimonLee13

    speech estimation

    Way more than 200-300 words. Only way to make sure is to actually deliver the speech, whilst timing yourself.
  11. SimonLee13

    Of mice and men

    Re: Of mice and men-radio&essay ^ Aerath posted an essay which should contain those concepts, or very similiar ones.
  12. SimonLee13

    is it too late?

    If you seriously cram for it, 5 weeks of full study is okay to get a general idea about the Prelim course; granted that you neglect everything else xD. I can read my whole textbook(Cambridge Legal Studies Prelims) in about 2-3 days, albeit being a very short one but its remembering the content...
  13. SimonLee13

    how much money have you spent on study guides, tutoring, study camps etc.?

    Lol my english teacher doesn't teach english. He teaches about international conflicts past and present, USA's foreign policy, corruption in media etc. I learn stuff you can't learn anywhere else really.
  14. SimonLee13

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    People choose what they like, no matter what scales better. Legal studies was the 3rd highest HSC subject average, after MX1 and MX2 (2006 HSC) at Sydney Boys High. As if its low scaling.
  15. SimonLee13

    Financial Markets Assessment

    Question : Outline the links between global financial markets and Australian financial institutions with reference to the following: International interest rate differentials. The Sub-Prime mortgage fallout. Equity markets. The global credit squeeze. Can somebody explain global credit squeeze...
  16. SimonLee13

    Hardest Subject?

    Economics - I don't understand financial markets =.= Other than that probably Extension maths.
  17. SimonLee13

    Can't stop Dotaing even during trials

    One way, delete war3 off your comp. Btw, since theres so many leavers and stuff you won't get a good game, which would force you to play until you do get a good game which takes ages unless you're playing with friends.
  18. SimonLee13

    Has Anyone Finished their HSC and RETURNED back to school to do it again?

    Question, why did you repeat year 11 again.. wouldn't that be a serious waste of time? Just repeat year 12 twice xD.