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  1. R

    is pizza delivery dangerous?

    Pizza delivery friend said: "When delivering a pizza to abos and teens (especially in South Western Sydney) and you see that their facial expression suggests that they are not happy when they open the pizza box, then don't bother with the money - just get the f*ck outta there! It's not worth...
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    The question we all hate

    An economist
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    Who hates right-wing (religious) conservatives?

    Like Tony Abbott, that hillsong shit and family first party...
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    band 6 in maths sc

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    girls giving hints

    i mean more subtle stuff
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    girls giving hints

    wat sort of hints do they usually give to tell the guy that they like him?
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    The Socialist Alliance

    if theres the SA, then whats the CPA for?
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    Conflict in Indochina Essay Questions & Historiography

    well, the US media found out that nixon was secretly bombing cambodia and that really added fuel to the anti-war fire
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    Kevin Rudd

    Totally agree. Well said.
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    When to reply...?

    How old are the this girl and guy in question anyway? If they are like 13-16 or younger I don't think the guy would be aware of the psycology behind the strategically-timed reply anyway. There's no need to be too critical. It should be fun. Just call when you're bored... I suppose.
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    Kevin Rudd

    Kevin Rudd seems like a decent hardworking MP but some (in the media and public) suggest that he is too bland to become leader, perhaps blander than Beazley. Can he win the next election, whats the difference between him and Beazley besides them both being bland? And if Gillard wins (which is...
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    deparate need for advice

    If this chick you fancy is hot then your uncle has probably already tried to use the restaurant to his advantage.
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    interview questions

    they sure do. also research the business and try to show-off your that knowledge through ur answers.
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    Flying Flag banned

    Justingfingly so.
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    Does the devil exist?

    The "Does God exist?" thread does not address this. Does the devil exist? Why or why not? Please state reasons, not simply "I believe this."
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    Study - Combating Boredom and Techniques?

    These are questions for those who have done and are doing the HSC. 1. How did you overcome or prevent getting bored while studying or doing h/w for the HSC? 2. Concerning study technique, how did you study the syllabus (e.g. lots of reading, dot points, taped/recorded summaries, watching...
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    Flying Flag banned

    abos deserve to fly flag alongside australian flag in public on aussie day 26th jan, cause they own this land and they should be spared another national day of mourning
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    what happened to...

    what happened to compliant g/f's and wives? why arent there any left?
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    When is the deadline for...

    When is the deadline for mature aged students to apply for entry into UWS if they haven't already applied for the main round? Can someone give me a website containing info on this.
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    When is the deadline for...

    When is the deadline for mature aged students to apply for entry into UWS if they haven't already applied for the main round?