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    did any 4u students find this paper hard?

    wrt t or wrt x u eventually get the same dervative that u sub into.
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    did any 4u students find this paper hard?

    lol yea differentiate to find dx/dy by chain rule, and i used lol 3 subs to do it, and needed some rearrangement of g/vcos@
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    How Hard Was Tht?

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    did any 4u students find this paper hard?

    dunno, kinda standard, even slightly easy paper exept for part 7e.
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    How Hard Was Tht?

    hard, i swear, im not trying to show off, because all my friends said its hard, but i found it kinda easy except for q 7 e, i dont get why it is hard? finished the test, and checked some part of it, and i dont see why its hard, its kinda straight forward isnt it?:confused: ps im not asian...
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    4 Unit, should I go for it or not?

    i say it depends on you. You seem to have the stereotypical idea that 4 unit is too too hard, or that question 7s and 8s or are made to be left out i.e undoable... i say NO. 4 unit is not like that. The more time u spend on 4 unit the more experienced mathematician u become, and the more probs u...