haha, yeah here and there... got it my membership for the premium notes mostly... as you can see from my post count. Good to see you again, I see you here and there on different sites, mostly commenting on stories on Digg :) We will have to catch up soon.
Hi as a guy who has moved here from the UK (9 Months ago) I would advice just to stay in school over there and complete your A Levels. Its too great a change to start to try to adopt and understand the Australian education system and then having to try your best to top all subjects etc.... Im...
Ive done nothing.. :) except run a company, go on holidays and study for my SATs... the other set of exams I have to do to get into US University along side my HSC...
nice one... very nice watch but I like the bulkiness of the carrera and its overall style, if it wasnt available though I would have picked the link or else the monaco.. :)
Jensons got as good a chance as anyone, a lot of change in 2007 and Jenson is staying where he is in familiar surroundings, also a lot of new drivers from lower tier formulas which wont really amount to any points etc. So yes Jenson does have a good chance and ill be down im Melbourne cheering...