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  1. IronMaiden

    How well did u go for first HSC assessments?

    10% means nothing. Don't get excited.
  2. IronMaiden

    Commerce/business forum database error

    Same here. Bump bump fix fix.
  3. IronMaiden

    Dept. Education Portal Help or Hinder???

    Fuck the DET. It was a waste of time, effort and money attempting to uphold an old fashion ideal of protecting the youth from the truth. It doesn't even work, unless it was made to frustrate.
  4. IronMaiden

    How well did u go for first HSC assessments?

    Go eat ass cheese you fear monger.
  5. IronMaiden

    hOw du i gEt riD oF sISta?

    Just a noob at life, never heard of a troll. Shit sense of humour too.
  6. IronMaiden

    "what are you studying?"

    OP means B/Laws, not Legal Studies. That's a whole new ballpark of stupid people thinking they are smart with their shitty scaling subject.
  7. IronMaiden

    How well did u go for first HSC assessments?

    13.8/15 for Economics. First. 10/15 for English Adv. God knows the rank. Not that it matters for either of them.
  8. IronMaiden

    Impact Of Globalisation! Help Me.

    Poland my good man. Did mine today, had to prepare and then write it in class. Looking at a phat >18/20 I'd say.
  9. IronMaiden

    sleep deprivation for HSC students

    Sleep is for the weak, sleep when you are dead. With that being said, I opted for 6-8 hours. Yeah, I'm weak and hoping I'm dead. As for what I do all night, I play poker, watch TV, waste time, read pointless shit. Wow, Ext1and2 English suck asshole. Sorry, felt like saying it.
  10. IronMaiden

    Whats everyone taking to schoolies???

    My cone piece.
  11. IronMaiden

    Alcohol On Planes

    I don't know and wouldn't mind knowing.
  12. IronMaiden

    IPT major project..

    Why has my teacher said nothing of a major project?
  13. IronMaiden

    Does the Trialz for IT VET count?

    So if you got 100 and first place in your trial, you would get 100 in IT VET and that would count to your UAI if you didn't take the final test? No, wait .. that is wrong. They specifically say only the test at the end counts.
  14. IronMaiden

    Help!! Movie Needed For Physical Journeys

    Lord of the Rings: Fellowship. *looks at extention spec fic*
  15. IronMaiden

    English Ext 1 - Worth Doing?

    Wow, talk about digging a thread out of the dirt! I'm in year 12 now, doing 4 unit english too. :bomb:
  16. IronMaiden

    Iron Maiden to Tour Australia!

    Re: Iron Maiden I bought my 8 tickets. All Sydney gold mosh. Greatest moment of my life.
  17. IronMaiden

    Iron Maiden to Tour Australia!

    Re: Iron Maiden I'm a fan club member. Not sure how many tickets I'll be allowed to buy on pre-sale though and a couple of my friend have dibs.
  18. IronMaiden

    Tips for 2007 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC Wish I read my texts a long time ago.