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    how many of the several protocols are we required to know?
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    Who needs Space Syllabus Summaries?

    the extra kinetic does come from the planet. but the planet only slows down a bit because it is so big.
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    physics gurus: aether experiment help

    i thought the experiments null result meant that they couldnt detect the aether wind not that there was NO aether. Just because they didnt detect it didnt mean that there was no aether.
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    Quick Question on Lenzs Law

    abtari stop over complicating the question!!
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    BNW/BR tricky question

    thanks for that wrong_turn, ur a champ
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    BNW/BR tricky question

    my teacher gave us this question on BNW/BR to do in the holidays "In studying Brave New World and Blade Runner what have you discovered, what have the characters discovered and what have you learnt?" i'am stumped as to how to answer it. Does anyone have any idea what i can talk about?
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    BNW/BR question

    my teacher gave us this question on BNW/BR to do in the holidays "In studying Brave New World and Blade Runner what have you discovered, what have the characters discovered and what have you learnt?" i'am stumped as to how to answer it. Does anyone have any idea what i can talk about?
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    online graphing calculator this has a equation plotting section aswell as other stuff
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    drop out rate

    ive heard that the drop out rate in acct studies is very high, something like 75%. Is this true? and also why do you guys doin acct studies think that these ppl drop out, is it cause they are too lazy or cause the course is damn hard?
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    W.B.Yeats Readings

    look in the notes section u wouldnt happen to be from EBHS??
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    Other program similar to SAM

    but the thing with SAM is that u can only see wat ur UAI would have been in '03 and i was thinking that some other program could have shown wat it would have been in '04.
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    Other program similar to SAM

    where can i find UAI Sim?
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    Is english standard caped??

    "It is a common belief that English (Standard) is capped. The truth is that English (Standard) is NOT capped. Candidates CAN get a band 6 for English (Standard), it's just that not many people have actually achieve it. Last year two people managed an aligned HSC mark in band 6 for English...
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    where do i find sam?
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    External Exam Weighting?

    the information technoloy HSC exam is 100% of the final HSC mark
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    hi guys i am using an old laptop (3yrs old) and it keeps freezing when iam on da net and i have to restart it to get it workin. does ne one know wats happening