This might be getting a little ahead of myself, but here's the story.
I currently do accelerated 3unit maths and will be doing the MX2 course next year (well at least attempt it). I am currently doing Year 11 Physics and finding it "not fun" >_< It's rather not what i thought it would be and...
This is only my second Physics lesson. I have the worst teacher and I literally hate the man, he demoralizes us in class and the list on goes to hate him, BUT the point is I am required to design a prac write-up for:
Average speed and Instantaneous speed. I know plenty of ideas for a practical...
This is only my second Physics lesson. I have the worst teacher and I literally hate the man, he demoralizes us in class and the list on goes to hate him, BUT the point is I am required to design a prac write-up for:
Average speed and Instantaneous speed. I know plenty of ideas for a practical...
How was your first day back as a senior student? Feel big and tough, or just like you've started again? Did you get a tonne of homework...?
Today at school was quite good. The teachers mainly just spoke in every lesson and fixed up the timetable etc. My day was a little fruitful when trying to...
Personally I sit down with my friends chat, eat and play :P When it gets closer to exams I will go to the library or find a very quiet place to study. I hate when I feel like I have to study at school... everyone tries to really USE me. They know I am the kid that I put in lots of effort into my...
Infinity - Says it all. It is the endless, infinite (lol) and amazing character and mathematical term/symbol. What does infinity mean to you? Have you ever been confronted by something infinite or had to use the concept in a mathematical equation?
P.S. Please do not try to describe infinity in...
How are you feeling about returning back to school this year, especially those embarking on Year 11 (or 12) like myself, where it really starts to matter and the workload increases exponentially!
Myself, I feel a mix of excitement and fear.
I would appreciate it a lot if someone could please show me how to do this question. I kind of get what I'm meant to do, but completely:
A person ovserves the elevation of a mountain top to be 20 degrees. After walking 1km directly towards the mountain on horzontal ground, the elevation is...
How are everyone's feelings going back to school? Anyone really pissed? Anyone edging to learn some new content in your favourite subject.... have your say!
Personally I really want to go back to school. I have missed my friends, because we havn't been able to catch up during the holidays...
This thread is just for fun to see how smart you are compared to the rest of the community. To rat out the geeks and nerds to and more plain minded people....
Mine's anywhere between 118-124 on most occassions where I have done a test. I scored 129 on one test :D. Yay go me.
How have everyone's school holidays been? Anyone go anywhere interesting and wishing to express it with the community.
Mine we extremely boring so far... stayed at home and went to one friends house (though that was ok). I discovered which i think is a genius invention...
As you can see in my signature I would ultimately like to do both of these subjects (although the lines aren't released yet... I can choose both because engineering is an online course) I would much rather only do the 12 units and keep it like that with a free period in my timetable for study...
I have heard around that some subjects can get you a higher UAI, irrespective of the numbers and many other considerations.
e.g. In Chemistry or Physics you can a mark around 80 and your UAI for that subject is something like 95+. Compared to Visual Art where a mark of 80 would give you a UAI...
So... What are peoples dream careers after they finish school/uni.
I would LOVE to become a Veterinarian, but the UAI is stopping me. I can do a science course then go through the re-application etc. etc. bridging etc. but I'm not THAT passionate about saving animals.
Therefore, My job is to...
I won't bother listing my subject selections that i want to make for year 11/12 because you can see them in my signature... But there is a problem. I have 14 units. I attend a catholic school so Studies of Religion I is compulsory... Most students have 13 units because they choose everything...
It is really hard for me to pick a most valued or favourite subject.... I love Maths and Science...
I would probably have to place Maths over science only because I excel better in maths and Year 10 science gets quite boring with the content because I know it already.... I don't know how, but I...
I hear a lot of people on the forums speaking of accelerated Mathematics Ext 1/2 etc.... I don't really know if my school offers them! What is required in these courses... well what are they?
What is the difference between an accelerated course and the normal one? Does the accelerated one go...