Lel, I completely argued against the question. "Function of truth rather than power". I argued how power could simply present biased perspectives and I also spoke about ambition and stuff. I can't remember what I wrote about the Truth part, but I really enjoyed righting my mod c essay. Overall...
Honestly, I think it was some gay tourist who went to probably, France or something, and developed his sense of belonging to place by interacting with the environment and surroundings? Idek.
Not trying to be mean and all. But I think you screwed yourself over. If you did everything else up to a high standard, you might get a band 5 (maximum), depends.
The essay however, was simply perfection and s1 was also great. That narrative was a nightmare come true lel. Anyways, gonna go head onto my work for tomorrow. Good luck guyshhh. Get some sleep too!
I changed mine as well. But I still think I didn't refer to communities. Gosh, why communities out of everything they could of assessed us with, they choose "connections with communities". Bs.