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  1. H

    Cosplay @ UNSW ???

    thx a lot~~~
  2. H

    Maths Papers - Recent

    i need solutions:bomb:
  3. H

    simple motion Q thx~~~

    The acceleration a m/s<SUP>2 </SUP>of a particle P moving in a straight line is given by a=3(1-x<SUP>2</SUP>), where x metres is the displacement of the particle to the right of the origin. Initially the particle is at the particle and is at the origin and is moving with a velocity of 4m/s...
  4. H

    2 simple Machanics Qs plz~~~

    thx Q2 is here:)
  5. H

    2 simple Machanics Qs plz~~~

    A particle of mass m moves in a horizontal straight line away from a fixed point O in the line. The particle is resisted by a force mkv<SUP>3/2</SUP>, where k is a positive constant and v is the speed. When t=0, v=u>0. Show that the particle is never brought to rest and that its distance from O...
  6. H

    plz help ~~~ rate of change Q

    yeah, i got it ,thx~~~
  7. H

    plz help ~~~ rate of change Q

    Water is pouring into a conical vessel of height 30cm and diameter of base 48cm. show that when these is water in the vessel to a depth of h cm, the volume of water (V cm<SUP>3 </SUP>) is given by V = 16πh<SUP>3 </SUP>/ 75.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =...
  8. H

    Traditional of Simplified characters, and why?

    if just reading, then i feel Traditional characters r better but if for writing, no doubt that Simplified is absolutely better = =
  9. H

    how many forms a word could be converted to ???

    need help again =_=||| how do i delete some pages in pdf file,coz i want to print that vocab list, but some of the pages r useless (cover page etc),plz help ~~~~~
  10. H

    Help~~~plz~~~2 Machanics Qs

    thx ~~~~ Centripetal force = Mv2/r ? i thought it is mr times omega square......... so they r actually the same , just depends on what is given ,and then choose one for centripetal force?
  11. H

    how many forms a word could be converted to ???

    oh , pretty nice~~~ thx..... i wish there is one for beginners......
  12. H

    how many forms a word could be converted to ???

    ya, may be........... can i have a look the continuers one? thx.......
  13. H

    how many forms a word could be converted to ???

    in beginner course, a verb could be changed to masu, tari, te forms, etc....... a adjective could have positive, past negative etc......... how many we should learn? i got confused with converting a word, just have no idea to memorise all of these:mad1: could any one provide a table or...
  14. H

    Help~~~plz~~~2 Machanics Qs

    Two particles A and B of masses m and M respectively are attached to the ends of a light inextensible string which passes over a smooth hook at O which is free to rotate. The particle A hangs at rest vertically below O while the particle B moves in a horizontal circle with constant speed v. Find...
  15. H

    would the invigilators collect the linstening papers b4 the exam finished??

    me 2 dat is the perfect way to do listening:rofl: i wish i could do that:bomb:
  16. H

    would the invigilators collect the linstening papers b4 the exam finished??

    huh, u guys dont write any notes at all? i would write down all of the informations i hear , so it is no matter to wait till the end........ dat is the way i do listening part..........
  17. H

    would the invigilators collect the linstening papers b4 the exam finished??

    ya,thx a lot...... because i always wait until the tape goes end and then start to complete the answer......
  18. H

    would the invigilators collect the linstening papers b4 the exam finished??

    i mean during the HSC exam , would they collect it or just leave it till the end? plz,thx,haha~~
  19. H

    basics help

    park in japanese should be kouen