No, don't buy the preliminary book. The HSC excel book is good enough. Yeah just learn it of engineering mechanics and apply them.
everything is included in the excel hsc book.
what sort of equations?
Well, with the technical side, it's OK, its not too indepth, but i suppose thats how much you only need to learn.
I use these books:
Excel Engineering Studies HSC
Introduction to Engineering Mechanics - R.K.Mullins
Introduction to Material Science - Schlenker
Hi there,
i am glad you realized it early because if it were later into the course you would be in deep shit.
Ask your teacher for the preliminary book and go over moments, bending moment, shear force diagrams. You will be using a lot of these in the HSC course, so you need to be thorough with...
look at, they have the S2200 which i think is pretty good but i am not sure where you can find any cheaper for a good quality bike.
I use an old bike around 10-15 yrs old but i am mainly a climber, i need to upgrade my ride, maybe after the HSC, thinking of a Giant TCR/OCR...