This guy next to me was getting 2nd booklet for options and he was writing so furiously even on the last min. I wonder what he wrote....must be hardcore.
The ppl who dropped out in yr 10 also count towards the UAI, so the last few are usually the drop outs. So only few ppl doing the HSC will get below 30.
What can your tutor teach you that you can't teach urself in bio????
I had 1 hr left for the bio HSC......but I only had 30 mins for the trials. I wonder why i finished it so early. May be I left something out ????? But i am sure i did everything as I checked through the paper twice.
yes, you will DEFINITELY only lose 1 mark on the Infectious disease you did, and the rest are carried on. So you have potentially scored 4 marks in that Q.
I was thinking that too so I put C, but now the more I think about it, the more it seems like its D. May be we are all wrong. Who cares...we won't get to know our answers anyways.
The cage is probably in room temperature, are there any endotherms that need to maintain a body temp lower than...