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  1. M

    Need Help for The Probability Question (Still not convincing!!!!)

    ROFLMAO AHAHAHAH man when there's a problem and someone says something logical I always get interested, when it comes to maths man I HAVE to solve the problem no matter what. I'm seriously just a stubborn bastard when it comes to tricky problems XDD
  2. M

    Need Help for The Probability Question (Still not convincing!!!!)

    but, if you choose 3 red balls then you automatically choose 3 yellow balls for the favourable outcomes.... still confused as to why you multiply by two because then arent you just doubling up one what isn't necessary?
  3. M

    Need Help for The Probability Question (Still not convincing!!!!)

    Question, why'd you multiply by 2? [/FONT]
  4. M

    Need Help for The Probability Question (Still not convincing!!!!)

    Ohhhhh sorry for misunderstanding you, but when you said 6P6 has 3! x 3! considered, 6P6 / 3!3! = 20 =S..... there's something you're not taking into consideration.... no i know why, its because what you said ultimately was 6P6 = 6! right (mathematically) so therefore you've said 6!/3! times...
  5. M

    Need Help for The Probability Question (Still not convincing!!!!)

    ROFL it was a question 7 b) .... so its almost like targeting the 4u guys but in the end i solved it i was so happy when i figured it out. I hate it when they put probability like as the last question of the 3u paper. It can get really tough, lucky for me when I time myself, i finish q 1-6 in an...
  6. M

    Need Help for The Probability Question (Still not convincing!!!!)

    Not a problem ^^ im doing one for 3u now T_T its soo hard im so stuck T_T XDD
  7. M

    Need Help for The Probability Question (Still not convincing!!!!)

    yeah you should get 1 /2 marks =] you went wrong with your part 1 bit, what you did there was SPECIFIED that the order had to be : R R R, Y Y Y and by doing that you made ORDER very important. Thats why you needed to go ( 12C3 x 12C3 )/24C6 BECAUSE what that statement says is I choose 3 red...
  8. M

    Need Help for The Probability Question (Still not convincing!!!!)

    Initially, that's what I thought of, but when you look at the question, order isn't important. Think about it this way, when you grab 3 marbles right? of any colour, is the order you pick them out important if you're concerned with what the final result is, it's exactly like the question in the...
  9. M

    Terry Lee's 4u Maths 2007 Solutions

    from what i see, i should get 117/120 LOVING IT
  10. M

    Post up Estimate Marks!

    ROFL yeahhh... the 95+ was like.. at the beginning of the year.... from teacher feedback and stuff i really aiming for 99+ but like i cbf changing it ROFLMAO XD bored of studies lags too much nowadays cause everyone's going on
  11. M

    General Thoughts - Mathematics Extension 2

    Re: General Thoughts - Maths Extension 2 yeah that's why i aint saying 120/120 that's where i lost my mark so stupid but im really really confident in everything else
  12. M

    General Thoughts - Mathematics Extension 2

    Re: General Thoughts - Maths Extension 2 i loveed that maths exam i was expecting something freakishly hard. knowing i only got one wrong so far, im hoping for about 114 +/- 5 marks /120 give or take due to silly mistakes. hopefully though this time around i dont make any and i get 119 / 120 id...
  13. M

    Post up Estimate Marks!

    without worrying about silly mistakes (hopefully none) i predict: Q1 15/15 Q2 15/15 Q3 15/15 Q4 15/15 Q5 15/15 Q6 15/15 Q7 15/15 Q8 14/15 with silly mistakes cause i always do them... give or take 114/120 +/- 5 marks?
  14. M

    Ok, one horrible word: CLOUDSTREET

    I freaked out initially, but then I decided to think about it. What I wrote about the question was that the relationships that Winton develops is used to explore universal concepts like reconciliation, a sense of belonging in families and spirituality. That's how I tackled the question =/ apart...
  15. M

    Section 3

    that question was pretty tricky ill admit that. was so confused initially, but then in the end I actually disagreed with the statement =/ it really didnt show unexpected detours, and because unexpected detours also means that you often learn about yourself and grow in insights and knowledge, my...
  16. M

    Catholic School Trials

    havent the trialsalready finished?
  17. M

    Catholic School Trials

    grats~!!! =DDD that's an awesome mark!
  18. M

    Words you've come to despise...

    Thus, Therefore, Hence, In Conclusion, By the Principle of
  19. M

    Catholic School Trials

    ROFL well then take that half mark off if you want =] im still on 94/100 which is PRETTY good, cause i checked my paper and there was only one half mark =] + yeah i did the CSSA trials sorry xD
  20. M

    Catholic School Trials

    awww thats unlucky =[ nah nah cause i do ext2, i didnt hafta do advanced so i had three days to study only for software design. i was absolutely stoked when i got my results back! O.O it was... 18 for MC, Q 21- 18, Q 22 - 18.5 Q23 - 20, Q 24 - 20 O.O i was so surprised!! going crazy man XDD