Worth buying?
I love DN 3D and so far based on some YT vids have found the humour hilarious, so don't let that be a factor in saying I shouldn't get it (ie that the humour is crude/distasteful blah de blah blah)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not buying into this just like that, but certainly extremely interesting...
edit: No, it's not oil, so don't leave if that's what you're thinking....
1. Rational Ignorance. Because you only have one vote and won’t influence an election, it is rational for most people to not spend time researching the issues. Attempts to curb this problem could be to require a poll test, but that is full of obvious problems. Democracy depends on voters...
hey so I need a good, easy and preferably free dvd ripping program
I used DVD Shrink for a few years but now you can only use it for a short period of time and then it expires
so, yeah, help me out if you can
I'm looking forward to this. I don't think the book is particularly good and I expect the film will be worse, but it still should be interesting.
That has to be the worst trailer ever though.
What is this film about? A train or some shit, you would think.
The director talking...
firstly let me me clarify: I mean social/economic 'egalitarian' equality, not 'equal rights' or 'equal in the eyes of the law' or whatever
so anyway, I debate with socialist/left-anarchist cunts (e.g. the likes of tacoterrorist) on other forums or irl and all they ever talk about is "equality"...
yeah so I download lots of podcasts and live sets of music and I want to be able to cut out different parts and save them as individual songs etc
nothing fancy here
so yeah what's a good free easy to use program i can download for this
In a number of threads in ncap, there has been discussion about businesses discriminating against people for non-productive reasons i.e. racism, sexism etc
Often the claim is that if racist companies were left to their own devices, we would see segregation, with blacks (or whoever) missing out...
People with no understanding of economics or American politics will often claim the problems with its healthcare system are the fault of the "free market". Obviously, anyone with half a brain realises that america has nothing remotely resembling a free market.
In actuality, if it DID have a...
Read: The following is by a friend of mine (who doesn't frequent bos).
Statists will often claim that democracy is an effective way of regulating the activity of the state.
The is entirely untrue, and the following explains why.
If you're not going to read the whole thing, don't bother...
The government should take control of companies that sell australia's spring water
it is outrageous that these companies are stealing natural resources that belong to EVERYONE and making a pretty penny out of it
i mean if you happen to be arbitrarily born in a certain geographic area then...
NSW Government recording features for facial recognition | News.com.au
Government records facial features
Data mined nationally by police
Identities may be incorrect
THE New South Wales Government is quietly compiling a...
Muslims will claim islam is a religion of peace.
Now obviously a reading of the koran will show this to be patently be untrue, this has already been discussed at length. I'm not talking about this.
what I will say is, the sort of people who will make a big deal about calling islam peaceful...
The Abrahmic god is omnipotent and omniscient.
The fact that he is omnipotent means that nothing he does involves any challenge or effort, and his omniscience means he knows the consequences of his actions before he takes them, meaning he never has to risk anything or take any chances.
Article, please read.
Now, I'm not talking specifically about australia; the article is actually about America.
The question is, is it in our best interests to have a standing army, or should we rely on militias to defend us?
If you're going to not read the article and reply with some...
i couldn't find an actual list, and fuck writing a list. But anyway, thought I would make this known to fellow book lovers who weren't aware.
There's some ones that look really good and I'm happy with, and some seem really strange and obscure.