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  1. S

    Who here has used the HSC advice line yet?

    I just tried to call them - completely forgot that they aren't open until 4 pm :S
  2. S

    A very quick question

    Many exams say something along the lines of : To what extent has studying x expanded/illuminated etc your understanding of y eg To what extent has studying the concept of inner journeys expanded your understanding of yourself, of individuals, and of the world? HSC 2005 My question is -...
  3. S

    panic panic panic

    I totally agree - I have been fine until this morning and now my stomach is churning as i have only 4 days to learn all of the english from the last 3 terms. so screwed
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    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Bon je pense que ça va aller et sinon je serai assez deçue ! Mais j'ai peur de l'examen d'anglais parce que je suis nulle... Pour un related text j'ai the motorcycle diaries mais je n'ai qu'un technique donc je ne pense pas que j'aurai de super notes
  5. S

    Band 6 for advanced english

    There is a list of the top 200 I think; anywhere past that I have no idea! Try google I guess! Try there:
  6. S

    Band 6 for advanced english

    It's counted in your overall HSC mark, but it's moderated depending on how well the school does in the HSC for each subject, and then your HSC marks are scaled and is what makes up your UAI, as far as I know. And schools performances are often pretty solid - I know that my school has been...
  7. S

    Band 6 for advanced english

    That's an interesting point :) I just checked and 27.52% were in band 6 for english adv, and 58.75 in band 5, so that makes me slightly less worried! [24% band 6 for EE1, 47% for EE2] 15.05% in band 6 for mathematics [49% band 6 for MX1, 50% Mx2] What do you think now?
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    Band 6 for advanced english

    What if you're about 50/119 and your school was ranked 13th last year??
  9. S

    HSC Speaking 26/8

    Yeah - for Ravo at 9 as well as German cont. How did you guys go?
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    Extension French (Info answering the question "Should I do it?")

    My whole German class (4 of us) did extension... however I only did it so that I wouldn't get further behind as they all went to Germany - the extra German has been useful. Do it even if you will be by yourself - it will be kind of hard though and you will get to know your teacher really well...
  11. S

    french notes!!!

    Don't rely too heavily on these notes though as they are not perfect - make sure if you use them you correct them :)
  12. S

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Jai aucune idée ce que jécriverai... je devine que je dois demander pour quoi ce phenomène se passe mais je ne sais pas ! et puis répondre * ma question et puis proposer des solutions ... mais tout ça est déj* écrit dans la question donc pour quoi les jeunes hommes ne veulent plus être...
  13. S

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Moi je ss ici... je suis en train d'écrire un rédaction pour extension "Vous avez lu dans un article de journal que de nos jours les jeunes hommes ne s’intéressent plus au métier d’instituteur. Ecrivez une lettre au rédacteur en chef du journal dans laquelle vous discutez ce problème et vous...
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    Are french tutors essential for the HSC?

    No way! I am opposed to tutoring unless it is actually needed, ie there are a whole lot of girls at school who shouldn't be doing 4u maths as they aren't capable of it but they are getting through the work with their tutors and study 24/7... That is stupid, but if you acutally think you need...
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    I'll see you there! I am so screwed! I hate german!