ahh its good to know someone else got same response ><
BUT are you sure about that "put as your first preference" part ? Coz I've heard its just the highest UNSW course you have and can get into... like if u put all the various med courses for example and don't get into any of it.. then finally...
ooh coincidence.
i got 97.65 and wanted to do combined law too and am nominated for that scholarship too.
To answer ur question.. Yes i called up their student recruitment center and the guy told me that its guaranteed into course if ur within 5 of the cut-off and then he went and used the...
i noticed most of u got 1.6V for the galvanic cell question...
But i'm certain u meant to use the 1/2 Cl2 (aq) + e- ---> Cl- 1.4V
rather than the 1/2 Cl2 (g) + e- ---> Cl- 1.36V
Because the Cl2 gas is bubbled into the water, forming aqueous solution. The gas one is used if it a sealed...
Yay HI-5 to 15/15 xD !!!! so happy with this considering my avg for mc is 13 for past papers !!
Personally i have to say 1-9 were so straightforward . The only one that took a little time was 12 and i nearly got 14 wrong.. initially chose C, but in last 30 mins of checking answers adn redoing...
I find it quite funny that people are using comments like these as definite proof and reasoning for an answer ==
Also its funny because then that teacher ain't quite so good..
When you find pH, its -log [H+] i.e. u use the concentration of H+ ions.
20mL of 0.08 mol L-1 HCl = 0.0016 moles...
Since this thread is about commenting on difficulty of paper..
I have to say its easier than other years.
But mainly because it fitted me really nicely today. Asked all the questions i liked like equilibrium and calculations of moles/big 4's and all that. I normally get really demotivated seeing...
Hoping 96+
Probably 98 depending on how its marked.. i.e. allocating marks to what was not asked at all. (happened a lot in catholic trials paper for physics this year)
But so far, have not found any mistake at all and all the questions in the exams were of things i knew. so was pretty lucky =P...
I'm not gonna make some people feel bad by commenting on the difficulty of the paper. But i have to say that was the best paper i could of hoped for. No long winded essay questions that worth 6, 7 or 8 marks. Was so surprised when had to go through the paper to see so many calculations since i...
About the minusing 2 ohm resistor thingy...
They gave us the current and voltage already so im assuming its the overall current which already included the resistance due to the 2 ohm resistor...
uhh dw i lost my train of thought.
Does that mean we lose marks twice for calculating wrong...
I'm thinking 90-94
Lost definite 3 marks so far and cannot see where else would lose marks. If on average lose 1 or 2 marks for each 6 marker, then quite comfortably sitting on 94. Can't really make silly mistakes due to lack of calculation questions... but would never know. If 15 is B, then got...
sweet!! only Q.4 got definitely wrong b =[
with those answers i get 14/15 for mc if 15 is b *which im so positively sure it is*
or 13/15 if its 15.d =[
but i would of been happy with a 12 so its pretty good.
Oh... but i remember i wrote shitloads for that question but cannot remember what i wrote... since i overwrite all my answers and write up and down the side of the pages when i run out of space = = So as far as my memory is concerned.. i remember mentioning Faraday then a shitloads of other...
Thats right Tesla LOL xD
in the exam i couldn't remember who it was and kept thinking Planck o_O but was pretty sure it wasn't Planck. Didn't want to write about Westinghouse either because he was just the businessman and Edison i couldn't think of enough things to talk about for 6 marks. So i...
Do u remember how many marks it was worth?
Coz hopefully the rest of the marks came from explaining the decrease in current or potential difference whateva..
14 i said D too coz none of the others made sense. And from only one source where i read this, but i remember reading sumthing about how it doesn't allow the flux lines to penetrate it o_O.. which sounds similar to "excludes magnetic field"
12 im pretty sure its B becoz it showed that cathode...
For question 4 cannot decide if its A or B
since g is in m/s^2 so it makes sense that the graph should look like A, But B has a line of best fit which my teacher said to always use...
Since a "curve" of best fit requires u to estimate too many points to keep the curve its shape and therefore...
*doping with boron which only has 3 valence electrons cause overall for the silicon, which has 4 valence electrons, to be missing 1 electron for every million or so silicon atoms. So it doesn't increase electrons in the conduction band.
Holes conducts in the semiconductor from...
I said B becoz the silicon block has holes in its valence band and the electrons flow from neg to pos terminal. And the movement of holes is basically the opposite of the movements of electrons so thats why i said electrons moves left in valence band.