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  1. T

    Did you receive your letter of confirmation from UAC for EAS?

    k this is making me worried now = = I haven't received anything from them at all... I also checked my Cover of my applicaiton or sumthing that they allow u to download as a pdf, and there is no record for my "UAC transaction number" I assume this has to do with the fee then?? But i have my...
  2. T

    How many booklets did you use?

    I wrote 5.5 for story and 6.5 for essay. *these are pages... so 3 booklets* Gee some of u are scary* I don't think talking about how many pages/booklets ppl wrote is relevant in any way though... unless we fighting over who just killed the environment more =P How many words u think u wrote is...
  3. T

    Umat Results!

    do u know wat ur predicted uai was? coz unless ur school predicted u lower than 98, u should of got an UNSW interview *if u applied there of course* and if u did and expecting uai around 98, i'm sure u'll get a late offer interview so hang in there =D !!
  4. T

    Umat Results!

    s1 - 56 s2 - 63 s3 - 65 percentile - 93% - UNSW interview offer - No UMAT prep
  5. T

    complex numbers question

    Umm i think in the Excel Study guide they provide a proof using angles theta and phi made with the real axis... and all these mubo jumbo but yeh... there is a reason why the points forms a chord and the "= angle" is the angle formed at the circumference and the chord... Sorry if nto much help...
  6. T

    Thoughts on Chemistry CSSA paper

    any idea what equivalent raw mark averagely breaks u into a hsc band 6?
  7. T

    Thoughts on CSSA Physics 2008 Paper

    well i'm pretty sure our teacher will budge... since half of us are attacking him xD but yeh u can't deny the fact that the people who write the questions and the answers are not infallible. So yeh.. now up to teacher to see reason and reward us with what we deserve. OHH and when he told us...
  8. T

    Thoughts on CSSA Physics 2008 Paper

    K according to marking criteria to receive 4/4 for the cathode rays debate, u hav to also mention the J.J. Thompson experiment that confirmed that cathode rays were particles with charge and mass. But i don't agree since the way the question was asked, they wanted u to explain why there were...
  9. T

    Anode/Cathode, which one is positive and negative?

    actually reduction always occurs at the cathode and oxidation always occur at the anode (yes ppl an ox and red cat will always hold true) The only thing that changes is the charge of these terminals either negative or positive. My chem teacher basically explained it this way: in chem (galvanic...
  10. T

    How to tell if an Acid/Base is Strong/Weak

    umm what poster posted b4 me said... but however if its not a qualitative type question but one of those expected to be known knowledge that might pop up in multiple choice and all... u kinda just hav to remember some of the strong acids... my teacher told us to remember the 5 or 6 and the rest...
  11. T

    Maths Extension 2 Trial Exam thoughts- 2008

    64/120 -__________- no excuses but still gonna make one anyways xD completely neglected studying for it because rank in physics was more threatened so studied for physics during the weekend b4 ext 2 instead xD. worked out perfectly and got best of both worlds now... now to study study study for...
  12. T

    Thoughts on CSSA Physics 2008 Paper

    oh the answer is D -____- teacher said coz it includes nearly all the above all sumthing.. but yeah the word accuracy threw me off too. i chose C but he said the word "all" in D is reason why its more correct... well according to the marking criteria
  13. T

    Thoughts on Chemistry CSSA paper

    hmm i don't think so.. i remember leaving the exam thinking that there was nothing to do with ethanol... it was the catholic trials paper btw.. cssa or sumthing
  14. T

    Thoughts on CSSA Physics 2008 Paper

    got marks back today... gotta be a new record for my teacher, (still owe us 40% worth of assessment marks, so funny enough provides a greater swing to rankings than the trials xD) umm got highest with 89% but i think its subject to change since he did warn us that after reading so much crap he...
  15. T

    Thoughts on Chemistry CSSA paper

    ughh... our teacher said that the marking criteria from the cssa ppl was really specific and harsh. got highest with 86% :angry: like lost marks at the most random parts, i know i lost one due to saying sumthing that was incorrect =P *teacher told me i would of got full marks for the...
  16. T

    General thoughts on the 2008 CSSA Trial Extension 1 Mathematics Paper

    we have the best test marker ever xD... so we all got our 3unit marks back today -_- got 77% (65/84 i think) raw so hopefully its enough for band E4 or around 95 :cold: *random emoticon i picked form the list*
  17. T

    Did your school tell you...

    wow is 97 for maths realli in top 2% for state? I got 97 but no1 has mention anything to me about any I did receive a plaque from "Alpha Omega something something" for "Outstnading Mathematics Studentt of the Year" :confused::confused: ... No idea hu they are... oh yeah just to...
  18. T

    Post Your Sc Results Here!

    Wait correct me if im wrong but when you recieve yur results, you only get the certificate and the grades/band sheets right? Theres no critical assessments of mistakes and marking criterias?? Just aksing becoz hu knows if my school removed it for themselves :confused: And you all got in in...
  19. T

    Post Your Sc Results Here!

    Re: Results My school agve it back on the 14th I did alright English - Band 6 - 91 Mathematics - Band 6 - 97 :) Science - Band 6 - 93 Geography - Band 6 - 91 History - Band 5 - 84 Computers - Higly Competent - 95 History blew my all rounder...:burn:
  20. T

    General thoughts: Maths SC

    There were only 2 questions which i didnt know how to do and that was the question that ask of the angle in the quadrilateral and they give u the 50' and the 120' and tells u that the other 2 angles are bisected and it meets at a point..:confused: Anyways what did u guys get for that question...