Search results

  1. steven_tiger

    Fully Sic Bro, CAR WORLD

    dad and i are gunna take the HZ to the summernats this year.. if you see us around come say hello ;) its a silver/grey dual cab.. look out for it.
  2. steven_tiger

    does anyone have the cssa paper?

    i have no idea what paper we did but it was long and had some tricky sections. long long long long long..... i finished with about 1 minute to go.. couldnt check over my work though :(
  3. steven_tiger

    EnglishAdv - doing Frontline next year?

    i can sell the videos at the right price ;)
  4. steven_tiger

    Uni living arrangements

    im going to canberra and my parents are buying a flat our a hour as an investment and im living there with my girlfriend and someone else.... dunno who yet though.
  5. steven_tiger

    genetics option dot pts

    i would aslo help but we arent that far into the option yet. we will be struggling to finish it in time.
  6. steven_tiger

    Favourite Cricket Star

    justin langer, michael clarke and sanath jayasuria.
  7. steven_tiger


    oh geez.... the only subjects i do that are better then average are advanced english and bio! :mad: :( i would have thought pd/h/pe and business would have been higher then what they are. ah well.
  8. steven_tiger

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    yeah i got some tips.... start now and go hard! hahaha... thats what im doing!
  9. steven_tiger

    Fully Sic Bro, CAR WORLD

    yeah she's awesome to drive. i love it. it definantly turns heads.
  10. steven_tiger

    Fully Sic Bro, CAR WORLD

    i've got a dual cab hz ute that my dad built. mint condition with all original gts dash, steering wheel and interior. motor is only a 253 though.
  11. steven_tiger

    Satanic HeavyMetal Election!

  12. steven_tiger

    stressed....i wanna come 1st in business!!!!

    hahaha.. dont worry man. no shame in coming 2nd ;) i smashed business in year 11 and came first by about 8% this year (before the trials) i was on 80 and the guy coming first was 86.. but only 4 marks ahead of me. and i was coming 5th! :mad1: :mad: ah well.. i built my bridge and...
  13. steven_tiger

    New Public Health Apprach

    .... doesnt look like it. :guitar: :headbang: :drink:
  14. steven_tiger

    Studying for general maths

    hey guys... i was just wondering how much study you guys do for assessments and of course, the trial. i have done f**k all this year and am coming first overall :eek: and my mark is only 85 :p so yeah. we did the 2001 and 2002 HSC exams in class and they were a piece of piss.... i...
  15. steven_tiger

    SC mark!!

    with no study what so ever in 2001 i got : - english 84 - maths 82 - science 77
  16. steven_tiger

    2002 UAI's

    i have no idea what to expect for my uai. over 70 and i'll be happy i reckon. haha i dont need one anyway... i got into a private collage :p
  17. steven_tiger

    How do these marks predict to give me a HSC Mark of about 85%

    geez.. if those marks give you 85 i'll get 100 :lol: :giddy:
  18. steven_tiger


    thanks guys! haha, i could use this too. i have my trial on thursday but have english paper 2 between then. so i need all the help i can get. since we havent quite finished global business our teacher changed the case study question to an employment relations question. my mark so far is...
  19. steven_tiger

    hsc mark in bio

    ahahaha.. you guys are all so smart! i got 58% in the half yearly ( with no study :( ) but now i have got my overall mark up to 83% i was 80 in the trial and the same in the hsc.. i'll be happy with both.