i have no idea what paper we did but it was long and had some tricky sections.
long long long long long.....
i finished with about 1 minute to go.. couldnt check over my work though :(
im going to canberra and my parents are buying a flat our a hour as an investment and im living there with my girlfriend and someone else.... dunno who yet though.
oh geez.... the only subjects i do that are better then average are advanced english and bio! :mad: :(
i would have thought pd/h/pe and business would have been higher then what they are. ah well.
hahaha.. dont worry man. no shame in coming 2nd ;)
i smashed business in year 11 and came first by about 8%
this year (before the trials) i was on 80 and the guy coming first was 86.. but only 4 marks ahead of me. and i was coming 5th!
:mad1: :mad:
ah well.. i built my bridge and...
hey guys... i was just wondering how much study you guys do for assessments and of course, the trial.
i have done f**k all this year and am coming first overall :eek: and my mark is only 85 :p
so yeah. we did the 2001 and 2002 HSC exams in class and they were a piece of piss.... i...
thanks guys! haha, i could use this too.
i have my trial on thursday but have english paper 2 between then. so i need all the help i can get.
since we havent quite finished global business our teacher changed the case study question to an employment relations question.
my mark so far is...
ahahaha.. you guys are all so smart! i got 58% in the half yearly ( with no study :( ) but now i have got my overall mark up to 83%
i was 80 in the trial and the same in the hsc.. i'll be happy with both.