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  1. jnney

    How's your heath guys?

    Eating too much? Too less? Whaaat?
  2. jnney

    prelim physics - the world communicates question

    sound waves leaving one medium enter another where their speed is much greater. in both media the frequency is constant. expain the difference between sound waves in each medium. a baritone and soprano were asked to sing into a microphone and the signal produced was fed into a crp. describe...
  3. jnney

    relationship between wavelength and frequency of sound in air of constant velocity

    hi, can somebody please explain an experiment they executed in regards to the title, thanks in advance. (also, does this relate to resonance?) and an experiment investigating the relationship between amplitude and frequency. Hope you're all well :-)
  4. jnney

    what have you guys given up for studying?

    Thanks to year 11, I've sacrificed most things I love for studying. Don't get me wrong, I love studying to but, it's sad to not have time for other things because my schedule is so tight. Right now, temporarily, I've put singing, dancing, piano, guitar, acting, screenwriting (scriptwriting)...
  5. jnney

    prelim physics - the world communicates question

    what aspacts of gps, cd, dvd, and the internet do we need to cover? im not sure if im taking in too much or too little info.
  6. jnney

    modulation - physics help !

    i've tried to read the content over and over again but i still dont really understand the concept of modulation in physics. can someone please explain this to me? thanks !