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  1. Speed6

    Trig Identity Question

    Trying all sorts of ways to get LHS to = RHS, came close, but never got it. Could someone possibly help with the proof? \frac{sin2A+1}{cos2A}=\frac{cosA+sinA}{cosA-sinA}
  2. Speed6

    Need speech proofread

    I need my Module B Speech proofread, its an urgent request, I have a deadline that is looming, message me if you are able to help, preferably someone not in Year 12. Thanks, will rep.
  3. Speed6

    Threads/Posts Disappeared

    Is it just me or have threads/posts which have been made in the last hour or so disappeared?
  4. Speed6

    London 1802

    Would anyone possibly have notes on the sonnet, London 1802? TY
  5. Speed6

    Trig identity qstn

    Prove: sec^2x-tan^2x=cosec^2x-cot^2x ty
  6. Speed6

    2U Trig

    Question 14 from Cambridge Exercise 5B.
  7. Speed6

    Assumed Knowledge

    I do Chemistry and Physics and would like to know exactly what partial knowledge of the subject is assumed that a student should already know/ have mastered in preliminary for the HSC. I already know that the content you learn in the HSC is totally different to what you are introduced to in...
  8. Speed6


    Quote from American Beauty, just need the technique that that Mendes uses within the quote. "I realised what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been" Thanks
  9. Speed6

    Quick Chem qstn

    Justify the process for why metals are ordered based on their activity/reactivity.
  10. Speed6


    Has anyone used this textbook before, what is your review?
  11. Speed6

    Medical question

    This is one of those questions to the future doctors we have here such as Adrita, who has first hand experience in such degree like this (not med though).... Is it true that in Human Anatomy (Medical Sc. Degree) you have to know the scientific name for every bone, muscle, tendon you name it!
  12. Speed6

    How to make notes for prelim

    Is it better to type or write your notes? Especially for subjects such as Chemistry and Physics. Thanks!
  13. Speed6

    Essay proofread needed

    Need someone to proofread my English essay please, message me if you are free and not busy!
  14. Speed6

    Belonging Techniques Help

    Need help with English technique? Im doing an essay on Shakespeare's 'As You Like It' and this is a quote I pulled out from the play, it goes: ‘Master, go on, and I will follow thee to the last gasp, with truth and loyalty. It is a dialogue with Orlando and Adam and I want to express their...
  15. Speed6


    Chicken boning technique for those who love to cook
  16. Speed6

    Preliminary PD/H/PE Notes Needed

    There appears to be limited resources for PD (prelim), does anyone have there own or have used others notes which are decent? Thanks.
  17. Speed6

    Speed's Questions thread

    Dunno what happened to the last part, what do I do? It's one of those divisibility questions.
  18. Speed6


    Can someone please help me with the last part I am doing?
  19. Speed6

    Metadata laws pass parliament Data Retention legislation has now passed Parliament after cross-bench amendments were voted down and the bill received support from both major parties, meaning telcos and ISPs will now be required to store...
  20. Speed6

    Germanwings flight #4U9525

    Reports of a plane that crashed just 1 hour or more ago. The media has exploded with news fearing all 148 people on board have died. Please join in on the discussion and keep each other updated. Such a tragic incident :(