Search results

  1. kfnmpah

    Best Practical Joke you have ever pulled?

    I'll start: My boyfriend and I played a joke on his younger brother. My boyfriend found out that if you drink 1.5L of sugar free aloe juice in a short amount of time, you get diarrhoea (the fake sugar has that effect on you for some reason) So, we said "hey sam, if you drink this whole...
  2. kfnmpah

    Help me with an equation please!!!

    Hey everyone, I have a question for my mathematical modelling assignment, it's the last question in the assignment and I have no idea how to do it. Determine the equilibria of the solution analytically. What popu- lations of owls and mice are in equilibrium? From your numerical...
  3. kfnmpah

    Favourite drink?

    What is your favourite non-alcoholic drink. I, myself, have a certain penchant for tea. Would you pay money for it when you're out i.e. in a cafe?
  4. kfnmpah

    gym receptionsit

    Anyone know, roughly, how much a (casual) receptionist at a gym gets paid? cheers, c*nts.
  5. kfnmpah

    Actuarial Studies

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a question about getting in to actuarial studies. In 3.5 years I'll have a bachelor in mathematics and a bachelor in teaching, and I know that I don't want to go straight in to teaching because a) I'll only be 23 and b)I want to...
  6. kfnmpah

    Good cars for girls.

    Attention ladiez of Bored of Studies, What car do you drive? What car do you want? Attention everybody else, what are some good sporty cars for girls? are there some cars that are too masculine for girls to drive? (like evo's, s2000's etc?)
  7. kfnmpah

    Recommend me a night moisturiser

    Could someone recommend me a good night time moisturiser pleeeeeease? Price isn't really an issue, I am willing to spend up to 90 dollars on a moisturiser. skin care is worth it! I use shiseido 'the skincare' day lotion with spf15 during the day, some clean&clear face wash and a shiseido...
  8. kfnmpah

    22 year old Sydney body builder, "Zyzz", dies.

    I'm surprised there hasn't already been a thread about this. At first I thought it was a massive troll, but it is more than likely legit. Discuss.
  9. kfnmpah

    Differential equation help!

    hey everyone, i need some help with this DE: i) differentiate y=1/(Be^(-x)+1) y' = Be^x/((e^x+B)^2) then, ii) is this a solution to y'=y(1-y) any help would be much appreciated. I've plugged the values in but it doesn't seem to want to work for me. thanks, Nicola.
  10. kfnmpah

    What laptop should I buy?

    Hi er'body, My current laptop (more like craptop) is going into the light. I need some advice one what laptop I should purchase to replace it. I would like something with a 13-15 inch screen, with battery life and speed its top priorities. I don't play computer games, just research, uni work...
  11. kfnmpah

    Vector question help.

    Find the point where r=(1+3t)i + (2-t)j + (5-4t)k intersects the xz plane. I know that if it intersects the xz plane, (2-t)j must equal 0 ( i think?) but I'm not sure where to go from there. Any help will be much appreciated and any GOOD help will be repped. Thanks, Nicola.
  12. kfnmpah

    Kurt Cobain ruined music*

    One of my friends was bitchin' to me about KC the other day, and I watched 'the Wrestler' (good movie) and there was a scene in which 2 characters were talking about music and one of them says 'then that Cobain fucker came along' Is it a coincidence that music seemed to go from the awesome...
  13. kfnmpah

    Dietetics or Teaching

    I am doing a bachelor of science and am either going to finish this and do a master of teaching OR transfer into nutrition and dietetics next year. I can't decide. I initially wanted to do secondary teaching (at a public school) because I truly want to teach kids and help them live up to their...
  14. kfnmpah

    UNCLE subject help.

    To keep it short and sweet- I'm first year science I want to transfer to nutrition and dietetics next year but want to do some NUDI subjects along with my science subjects so I can transfer credit over and spend less time at uni who do I email to make an appt with to talk to?
  15. kfnmpah

    Timeless authors

    By 'timeles authors', of course I mean the 'Greats'... poets, too Who are your favourites? mine: Proust Simone de Beauvoir Sartre Donne YOUR TURN!
  16. kfnmpah

    Strength training for women?

    I've been on my current exercise program for ~2-3 months, I've been contemplating changing things up by doing strength training (pyramid training for legs, ab super sets would stay the same but i need more back and arm exercises... I'd have to do split training, obvs) but i'm not sure if this...
  17. kfnmpah


    Is it me, or are they the greatest thing ever. Personally, I love the green ones and am impartial to pink and yellow. So, members of Bored of Studies, I ask you; what is your favourite flavour? (in the oven, right now, i have clinker cookies. OH, YES)
  18. kfnmpah

    Science at sydney/unsw vs science at newcastle

    So, i'm doing first year science at UNCLE and i have a couple of friends doing science at unsw and usyd and it appears their courses are exponentially harder/contain more work Can any BOSers help me compare the course at the three universities please? (just for my own curiosity) My work load...
  19. kfnmpah

    Movie madness costume? help!

    I'm going to an 18th and the theme is 'movie madness' I was keen to go as either some 80's movie character or dorothy from the wizard of Oz - I'd wear my old junior uniform, a white apron/pinafors and some red sparkly high heels... but it looks kind of... eh Anyone got any ideas for a movie...
  20. kfnmpah

    Anyone going to UNCLE?

    Recently inspired by Namu's 'Anyone going to UNSW' thread, I thought I'd make UNCLE thread. SO, anyone going to Newy? If so, what for? Where will you be staying, on campus, home or off campus? me: see sig. Hopefully on campus :)