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  1. Triple777ER

    anyone not going to schoolies '07

    I'd rather go overseas, eg: Dubai, than to spend time with fags
  2. Triple777ER

    English Advanced or Standard

    I started off in Advanced, and went down to standard yesterday and i regret making that decision. So it it possible to go back up?
  3. Triple777ER

    English Advanced or Standard

    Alright, i mean i havent had a tutor so far for English, so i was thinking if i got one, maybe i have the ability to score 75+. I will have to make a pretty decent statement to convince my head teacher then :P For the yr11 advanced course, here are my marks, do u think i have the ability to...
  4. Triple777ER

    English Advanced or Standard

    So, if i am doing the Advanced course i should be aiming for around 75+ yeh?
  5. Triple777ER

    English Advanced or Standard

    Hi, im in yr11, and we are doing the yr12 course as most of the schools have. I got my results for the final exam for english advanced. I got 53% and my rank is 70/110. So i went and had a talk to the head teacher of english and he told me that i would regret continuing with advanced english and...
  6. Triple777ER

    Preliminary Results

    U did heaps well didnt you?
  7. Triple777ER

    Optimising XP

    Use quality software like Tune-up utilities 2007. Make sure u have Windows XP pro Service pack 2 installed :D
  8. Triple777ER

    Aeronautical/Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering

    I decide to study Aeronautical Engineering and then train to become a pilot. You can choose to do that since, pilots are a need in the future.
  9. Triple777ER

    Preliminary Results

    Maths 2U 95/100 Maths 3U 71/80 Physics 67/75 Chemistry 68/75 English Advanced 60/75 Engineering Studies 72/85 Not too bad i guess:P
  10. Triple777ER

    what do u wanna be?

    Aeronautical Engineering, and then train to become a pilot. Ultimate airline is Emirates :D