When I read, sometimes I doze off and just read without thinking about what I am reading... so I end up reading the same thing twice...
I'm sure many of you have the same problem as me...
I've downloaded audiobook for Frankenstein and the audio quality is great and very soothing voice...
It's holiday for me and I'm pretty sure for most of yous as well :)
Here's what I have currently done:
- First week: Had school retreat. It was awesome and I got to know more about others and I befriended those who I used to hate :). Very memorable for my last highschool camp :)
c = n/V
If 500mL of a particular solution was reduced to 300mL
would the concentration differ ???
ie does the number of mole for the solution stay constant
Module B: Critical study on Gwen Harwood's poems. Just like comparative study and belonging, do I have to compare Gwen Harwood's poems or can I talk about 1 poem in 1 paragraph and 2nd poem in the 2nd paragraph and so on..
Say I got :
Physics - A for the whole year (I think I'll get A for half yearlies and I got A for the first assignment. The next assignment is easy A)
Chemistry - A (same as physics)
What mark for HSC do I have to achieve to get a band 6 ?
I'm doing Gwen Harwood's poetry and my teacher said to study all 7 of her poems as they might ask you a specific poem to write about
I really don't want to, although I will have an understanding of all of her poems, I want to focus on the main 3 to critically analyse and study this year...
Just did 2 unit exam. It was easy as fk TBH
but in 1 question, there was an integration question which I DID NOT SEE!!! SO I missed it. I managed to complete one of them in 10 seconds....
The thing is I think I'll get close to full mark until the last question. For the last question it...
When it asks you "when does the curve start increasing?"
or "what value of x does the curve start increasing?"
is it referring to the gradient of the curve??? how do you mathematically show that it's increasing ??
I kinda get the basics (not really). I've seen people do it but I got lost again...
can anyone give me a simple way of drawing these graphs ?
If it asks you "Outline the contribution of Davy, Arhennius and Bronsted and Lowry on acids and bases" were asked and it was a 7 marker question
Would this answer be sufficient:
- Davy proposed all acids contain hydrogen
- Arhennius proposed all acids are hydrogen ion donors and base...
If a question states "altitude of ........" but doesn't give you the radius of Earth
Do I automatically assume that the radius of Earth is included with the altitude
A rocket of intial mass 2000tonnes, produces a constant thrust of 8x 10^7 newtons during liftoff by 1500kg of exhaust gas per second
Calculate the net force acting on an 85kg astronaut 30 seconds after liftoff
Analyse secondary info on the competition between Westinghouse and Edison to supply electricity to cities
Is it necessary to talk about the business part of this story? About how Edison tried to discourage people to use AC because his company was in threat... etc etc?
- 3 unit Trig. Most of them I can do but to save time in the exam, should I take any advice, tip or anything that I should memorise or know to solve trig questions fast ?
- Mathematical induction. I'm terrible at the division and the inequality mathematical induction. Also some of the...