Search results

  1. llamalope

    Easy to pick up at uni?

    erm... should i take that as a compliment? and i go to usyd..... most of the guys that I've met are chemistry freaks who think about equilibrium constants all freakin day long....
  2. llamalope

    Right and Wrong or Action and Consequence?

    this depends on whether you are an ethical absolutist ( things are right or wrong, ie, killing is inheritently wrong) or an ethical relativist (some things are in the grey area and should be considered on a case by case basis) I think it all depends on the situation. Sometimes there is a...
  3. llamalope

    The Official BoS Spyware Thread

    I had ad-aware 6.0..... sure didn't do me any good
  4. llamalope

    MADsoc performance

    OK everybody, as an end of semester celebration, before the exams, MADSOC (sydney uni movement and dance society) are having a performance and DANCEATHON in manning bar on the last wednesday of semester, the 8th of june first up will be a performance by our talented dancers (Including moi!)...
  5. llamalope

    Eurovision Song Contest 2005 - Hello Europe, this is Ukraine calling!

    of course.... it has to be ABBA... although they clearly won't b performing... since one is a recluse now! Go Abba!
  6. llamalope

    The Amazing Race 7

    geez i hated those two... i would hate to see what their children are like on another note, I actually like rob and amber, they're entertaining and sneaky, rather than downright hideous. they keep things interesting
  7. llamalope

    new CBA netbank fees

    gives banks the 'finger'. join a credit union
  8. llamalope

    Why is Corby guilty?

    yeh but how do we KNOW FOR SURE that it was the baggage handlers? we don't.
  9. llamalope

    Why is Corby guilty?

    well i mean come on, if she was a big fat ugly man, do you think there would have been this response?
  10. llamalope

    Why is Corby guilty?

    being innocent just means that there wasn't enough evidence for a guilty verdict... it doesn't ACTUALLY mean you were innocent (in a court of law). "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence". and to be honest, we don't know whether she was REALLY guilty or not. I think everybody is in...
  11. llamalope

    Easy to pick up at uni?

    it is? can somebody please point me in the direction? kthanxbai no seriously, I have had difficulty in finding decent guys (ok, MAYBE, just MAYBE this is because I'm doing science/commerce...joke)
  12. llamalope

    hands up who failed econ1001 mid semester #2?

    I think you have to get 50 in the final exam, and 50 overall to pass ohh well, here's hoping!
  13. llamalope

    myuni email account

    i have had OVER 500 german spam emails!!!!!! The usyd filters are bloody useless, because I have tried to block certain words inthe subject line, and what happens? THEY GET SENT TO ME ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very pissed off. It takes so much time trying to get rid of them. I hope the problem gets...
  14. llamalope

    hands up who failed econ1001 mid semester #2?

    I sure know I did discuss :D
  15. llamalope

    Would you boycott bali?

    what I DON"T GET is why people are traveling to bali just to go and visit her in gaol. I think that's kind of sick in a way, because it's like she is an exhibit at a zoo or something. Leave her alone for goodness sake. We don't know if she's guilty OR innocent, and most probably we never will...
  16. llamalope

    People who arent funny

    Hey! Frasier is f***** hillarious comedy inc, and skithouse both suck. I prefer the sketch show, but even that has its off moments
  17. llamalope

    Big W Sux

    It's all about cost cutting. You see, Our store (not Big W btw) recently employed 4 new employees. They are all 15 (2 boys 2 girls) and they are absolutely hopeless (and they're taking MY SHIFTS!!!!) Now before anybody complains here, when we started, EVERYBODY was new (the store just opened)...
  18. llamalope

    how much did you save so far?

    got around $1400 (whic is bad, considering I've spent most of what I earned), But I'm working my way slowly towards $10k which is my goal, and I should achieve that by feb next year, or earlier, if I can stop spending it all on clothes!
  19. llamalope

    wtfs with all this spam?

    can we get rid of this worm?
  20. llamalope

    wtfs with all this spam?

    OMG I have like 400 german spam emails in both my usyd and hotmail accounts all with random things like Dresden bombing is to be regretted enormously, and all sorts of random german shit... and yes, I have some from usyd adresses as well. I am highly pissed off!!!