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  1. 2sense

    Nuclear North Korea

    No-one having Nuclear weapons won't work because there will always be some shifty country wanting an edge over the others. The answer is that every country should have nuclear weapons and detectors but never to use them and if any country decides to let one know all the countries shall blow that...
  2. 2sense

    Schapelle Corby - Innocent or Gulity?

    Pot doesn't just appear out of nowhere.She's guilty and she should get the death penalty according to Indonesian Law.
  3. 2sense

    Habib on 60 Minutes

    Politics isn't about the real issues. It's about telling the people what they want to hear so that they can stay or get into government.
  4. 2sense

    Habib on 60 Minutes

    Mr Habib seemed very nervous and blinked a lot during the questions about being a terrorist.
  5. 2sense

    selling child on ebay

    I think she's just a greedy,selfish mother just wanting to earn a buck or two.
  6. 2sense

    Religion & Relationships (merged)

    I guess when someone is in love, they'll do anything for their "The One". I wouldn't change my religion but then i've never fallen "in love". Maybe some peoplemay consider a change in similar religions like religions that share the factor Jesus.
  7. 2sense

    Can Man Utd catch Chelsea in the Premiership?

    Manchester United can definitely catch up to Chelsea. Everyone says they are not as good as they use to be and Alex Ferguson is past it. They seem to forget about the FA cup semi last year defeating league leaders Arsenal. The Media seems to be against Manchester United.
  8. 2sense

    Cornelia Rau

    The Government should not make excuses about the accident but should apologise for what they did and give her ALOT of compensation.
  9. 2sense

    High Court re-awards injured swimmer $3m 9/2/05

    If more cases like this happen. Wouldn't the council have to close the beach?
  10. 2sense

    The coaliton has control of the Senate

    I'd rather have a power struggle between the parties than one party having a lot of power. That way they'll probably do what the public wants because of the fear of their butts getting kicked in the next election.
  11. 2sense

    Does God Exist?

    God exists or a God exist. It could be a force, a world, a controller, a peacekeeper, a carer. If a god didnt exist then life is pointless.
  12. 2sense

    Pursue or Forget??

    The best thing you should do is to follow your heart. Do you really want to be friends or do you want more from the relationship because she might think it's a bit suspect.
  13. 2sense

    friends' sex life

    Guys always tell their mates if they got it on or not. Even if their friends don't want to hear it.
  14. 2sense

    student teacher relationships

    There's no such think as love. Its just chemical reactions in your brain telling you to keep the human species alive. Theres no such thing as love
  15. 2sense

    What are you attracted to?

    For guys its all about looks. All they care about is a perfect face,a set of nice breasts and a hot arse. It doesnt matter what guys say because thats the truth. All looks and a decent personality. Not a good one a decent one. No guy would go for a fat, ugly mole faced chick with an excellent...