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  1. sukiyaki

    AYAA - Australian Youths Against Aids

    be glad to join xD yeh a website would be good
  2. sukiyaki

    Semester 2 2006 Books (Buy & Sell Thread) [p11 start]

    BUYING ACCG201 text - the management one.. cheap please :)
  3. sukiyaki

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    ANNEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you hot thing you :D
  4. sukiyaki

    Those who have transferred --

    I recalled getting a letter in the mail but my transfer to my degree was successful that does not really answer your question sorry
  5. sukiyaki

    Grey's Anatomy

    his character is so growing on me especially the other night he was being so honest :( to the girl/boy
  6. sukiyaki

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    bleh i think i lost weight this holidays far out... need to gain weight argg >< today i ate breakie - brownish congee thingy.. lunchie - ramen.. im convinced it had a heap of msg in it dinner - fried rice snacks - had a large coffee with like 7 sugars.. - cream puffs
  7. sukiyaki


    i got an account lol and no friends =/
  8. sukiyaki


    glitter where is my hung in parramatta?
  9. sukiyaki


    omg im so damaged hahhaa
  10. sukiyaki

    Global Leadership? Htf do i apply?!

    lol i agree i cant be bothered zzzzzz and the cocktail parties are boring =/
  11. sukiyaki

    Second Semester Subjects

    bba 213 bba 216 isys 123 accg201 subject to change me thinks =/
  12. sukiyaki

    Argh! enrolment HELP!

    yeh like asylum said contact e student something similar happen to me and they fixed it :D
  13. sukiyaki

    who have you seen?

    the cat empire after the fall evermore 28 days yellowcard thristy merc - most which was performed at uni.. conception day /etc
  14. sukiyaki


    lol im not putting myspace link up >.> theres a photo there.. eppp
  15. sukiyaki

    Coop Bookshop

    theres a textbook shop near macquarie university forgot the name but yeh it sells some textbooks at co op
  16. sukiyaki

    loreal pure zone + tea tree oil

    i had the whole 3 steps of the loreal purezone, honestly the whole thing sucked, the cleanser and toner stung my face and didnt do anything at all. The moisturiser is below average but my face becomes oily after about 10 minutes.
  17. sukiyaki

    The Sufjan Stevens appreciation thread

    me too theres something about his voice i love "For the Windows In Paradise" one of my fav songs from him
  18. sukiyaki

    Oh dear...:(

    aww thanks :o appeal against grades. extra reading (like what not is acceptable for an appeal)
  19. sukiyaki

    Oh dear...:(

    you are in a similar position as i am. =/ why cant you do a grade appeal? (aka third point) doesnt hurt to try
  20. sukiyaki

    Grey's Anatomy

    LOL 'ITS WHAT JESUS WOULD DO" i was like that is sooo random yet funny oh i love that part where george is like "his touching your boob!!" ;) love this show ever since i saw it 3 weeks ago...