I've only seen a few of the Y&D series, sorry, but I thought it was boring and total crap
Infernal Affairs on the other hand was terrific, I love the 1st one. The 2nd one wasn't bad if it was a standalone movie, too bad it was within the trilogy, making it the weakest one. I've seen the 3rd...
sorry for that post, but I've seen statistics, that is what I got from the statistics
It was just a generalisation there are always exceptions, sorry if I offended anyone
Unfortunately thats not true, gay/les relationships promotes promiscuity actually. Many whose gay/les find it hard to find a life long partner. In fact, breakups among the homosexual culture is a lot more common than within the hetereosexual group
O well.. lol, i typed that up then 30mins later i compeltely forgotten about that post lol
Lol, maths isn't my best sub - english is, but hearing all the horror tales from the other students, i dropped ext1 eng, mega stupid of me.
LOL, this sounds really farfetched but, I would love to get into Med or psychology (honours)
Since psychology needs 95, i'm pretty sure i can get that but Med needs 98 right?
Not much really, walked into exams with 3 hours of study or none e.g. IPT.
So really didn't do all that well in yr 11
hmm... thx for the advice guys, gave me some perspective
Hmm... i don't think a lot of ppl know about this site at my school, teachers and students. or maybe the teachers know about it but the students don't so the topic never comes up
I won't get a 100 no matter what lol
I want a 98 but it would be a nice treat if I get 99+, it would be o-so-nice
I'll be like... screaming and calling absolutely everyone up if i got 99+.
Its funny you know, I think I'll be happier with 98.75 than 99.10 cause I'll keep thinking I...