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  1. N

    Area Of Study 2009-2012: 'belonging'

    Belonging... that sounds like fun... not. Journey's actually doesn't sound so bad compared to that.
  2. N

    CSSA paper

    I has no idea how to interpret the essay question, though I'm starting to get the feeling I answered it wrong. I can already predict my mark though, seriously, in almost everything I do in english I get the same mark... doesn't seem to matter how hard I try, I swear the teacher just see my name...
  3. N

    Does anyone else do this becuase they have to?

    I'm really curious about this. I go to a Christian school and we have to either do Stduies of Religion or a non-HSC course Christian Studies (at the time of choosing subject I chose SOR becuase I sick of having Christianity shoved down my throat... things have changed since then but I couldn't...
  4. N

    Group Performances

    Our group gets along reasonably well, we came up with our idea rather quickly, and then had almost a whole term of doing nothing, but the end of term 2 we had our opening, new what the scenes were going to be about but that was pretty much it. The biggest problem with my group was that we all...
  5. N

    in one sentence: my IP/GP is about...

    IP- Tomorrow When the War Began, basically how the main character Ellie is trying to cope and understand and get her head around everything thats going on. GP- The way news is more about entertainment than actually giving the facts. both have actually turned otu better than I expected, so...