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  1. Q

    Regarding inertial frames

    Why is inside a space shuttle in orbit an inertial frame of reference (I'm assuming they are since occupants don't experience an acceleration)? Isn't it continuously accelerating (due to orbit)? I lack understanding in what defines an inertial frame
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    Explaining Meissner Effect

    How do you explain the Meissner effect? I believe it is wrong to explain the Meissner effect as the induction of currents which perfectly oppose the relative motion of the magnet (Lenz's Law) thereby excluding any magnetic flux within the superconductor in superconducting state. This is wrong...
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    Need clarification regarding complex vectors

    Q: Illustrate on an Argand diagram vectors representing complex numbers z+w and z-w, for any complex number z and w. a) If |z| = |w| what can be said about arg [ (z-w)/(z+w) ]? I can see that the question is about rhombus properties: the diagonals of rhombus perpendicularly bisect. My question...
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    Diagram determines whether question is solvable

    Q: "If O,A,P,Q respectively represent complex numbers 0, 1, z1, z2, construct the point R so that △OAP is similar to △ORQ. Find the complex number represented by R. A: R = z1/z2. Now, consider arg(R) = arg z1 - arg z2 My diagram: Notice how this will result in arg(r) = arg z1 + arg z2 which...
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    How do I do this Q? Find what power of 2,10 is a divisor of 10! (I'm assuming highest power but the question doesn't say)
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    State Rank vs Allrounder

    Which is more glorious/prestigious? Being one of the best in the state for a subject or achieving B6 across 10 units? Discuss :)
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    (Mechanics) Explain why...

    Can someone explain why for (ii) its = -g sin? Not = g sin? When you resolve the forces tangentially, I thought it'd just be = g sin. The solution says "The negative sign is because the force is opposite to the direction of the increase of s" but this doesn't make sense to me. Explain please!
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    What is your trial weighting?

    Most of my subjects only have ~30% weigh for trials. I wish they were like 40% :'( What are yours?
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    Why does this work? (Integration)

    I find higher level maths (algebra) to lack common sense to me; instead becoming sought of a rote process. My foundations start to break down. e.g. For growth and decay (from 3U), finding the equation of Q given dQ/dt = kQ So, dQ/kQ = dt ---------(1) integral (dQ/kQ) = integral (dt)...
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    Special Relativity Questions

    Hi, I need help understanding special relativity. Argument: An object approaching the speed of light will increase in mass. Thus, additional energy is required to speed up the object and as its mass approaches infinitely, the energy required approaches infinite. Hence, the object cannot reach...
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    Why do I need techniques?

    An essay argues a thesis. Textual evidence supports the thesis by showing that X thesis is evident in Y text. So what do techniques do? e.g. This notion is seen in Victor Frankenstein who is initially “imbued with a fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature.” vs. This notion is seen in...
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    Polynomial Factorisation Q

    Factorise x^15 + 1 into four factors with real coefficients. Here's what I got: x^15 + 1 = (x^5)^3 + 1 = (x+1)(x^4-x^3+x^2-x+1)(x^10-x^5+1) and x^15 + 1 = (x^3)^5 + 1 = (x+1)(x^2-x+1)(x^12-x^9+x^6-x^3+1) Don't know what to do from here...
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    What is a radical?

    Why does google define a free radical as "an uncharged molecule (typically highly reactive and short-lived) having an unpaired valency electron" I always associated free radicals with charges :S
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    Derivative (max/min) question

    I'm stuck on this question: "A parallelogram is inscribed in a triangle so that they have one vertex in common. The other vertices of the parallelogram lie on the three different sides of the triangle. Show that the maximum area of the parallelogram is half that of the triangle." I can't see...
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    Significant figures?

    I'm having trouble with significant figures. Take for example this Q: "The power distributed as 500v on a set of transmission lines is 500kW, and the resistance of the lines is 1.0 ohm." I've learnt that 500 can be both 1 and 3 sig figs. So in this question, would the lowest be 1 (5 x 10^2)...
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    Faraday's Law Paradox

    I was doing some questions and picked up on a neat paradox (had to talk to physicist teacher to explain this one :P). Suppose you have a rotating metal disc fully immersed in a uniform magnetic field as such: Try to predict what happens, and explain it if you can. :) P.S google is cheating
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    Proving three points define a unique parabola

    Is it true that n points on a cartesian plane define a unique polynomial of degree n-1? How can I prove this? More specifically I'm looking to prove that three points defines a unique parabola. Consider y = ax^2 + bx + c Subbing three points (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3) would give...
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    4 period from 6 period days

    What do you think will be the repercussions/ benefits of a 4 period day as opposed to a 6 period day? My school is changing to 4 period days and I don't agree with it :(
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    Factorise polynomial

    How can I factorise this: x^4 + 2x^2 + 4 :( Answer is (x^2 + root2.x + 2)(x^2 - root2.x + 2)
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    Calculating heat lost (transmission lines)?

    I'm pretty bad with electricity and this whole section is confusing me. Power loss in transmission lines is given by P = I^2 R But isn't this calculating power? Help please!