I am doing the frontline series for module c and was wondering is it ok to have related texts which are of the same medium (I.e. tv series, movies, dvd...)
or is it best to have a range of different text types?
Also how many related texts should I have for this module?
Could you please give me some good king lear productions for:
* Marxist Perspective
* Femenist Perspective
and why they are good for that interpretation.
thanks heaps.
I have to write a conversation between 2 people with differing opinions on king lear.
Should the two opinions be based on different perspectives or interpratations such as marxist or feminist or just two opinions on the themes and the play in general.
I don't know much about the module c and whether lost would fit into context with the other texts but I am doing frontline so I don't think it would be a good idea to have two audio visual (tv series) texts for the one module.
I have been looking for the frontline series 1 DVD but I don't really want to pay $40+
Both my local libraries don't have it available - and one has it in stock but has a lot of Reserves. where else can i get the dam dvd.
thanks heaps.
I know the very very basics of marxism, but not in great detail and I'm finding it hard to write about a marxist perspective of King Lear.
Was wondering if anyone could help me out on better understanding marxism and how to relate it with King Lear. Also if anyone has examples of...
Just wondering, does the IT Timber exam have a multiple choice section?
If so why is it not listed on the Board of Studies Multiple choice quizes?
I can't help you with that because I haven't seen that production of King Lear, but I wouldn't worry to much about that. I think the general idea is to get an understanding of the text and how it is presented through the language techniques used and also through the stage props and clothing...
What can you expect i guess... after all it is the BOS. They try and make our lives as difficult as possible and expect us to fullfill criteria which is physically impossible in our time restraints given!
wow... I doubt our deputy would do anything nice like that!
I think I will have two english exams in the one day... :(
I just wish the time would hurry up and get things over and done with but the closer to exams the more time you will want to cram everything! :(
Was wondering if someone could show me a timetable of the 2007 HSC Exams with the exact date and times of subject exams?
Also how long do we get off school before the HSC exams?
pLuvia: here's the website for the official HSC timetable enjoy 07ers...
The texts are actually Brave New World & Blade Runner.
I have actually done a radio interview (script) now, which the teacher marked and i did well in. So i guess i under estimated myself.
Does the interview actually have to be with the composers of the texts?
I didn't do my script like...