So.... I'm in a bit of a pickle. I've gotten a scholarship into UWS for Teaching. But I don't want to do Teaching that much ... I'd rather do Medicine or Dentistry. So is it better to do Teaching and then apply for Medicine afterwards? Also, how do you apply for Medicine/ Dentistry after doing a...
Okay so I got my ATAR and its considerably higher than what I expected. I was aiming for B Pharmacy at USYD but always believed I couldn't achieve that ATAR. I have achieved that ATAR, but I haven't done the STAT test. I've heard that you need to take the STAT test to get into any Pharmacy...
I know that there is a thread which explains some of the common questions regarding youth allowance but I have some more questions. I hope some can help me because I'm so confused!
1. When must I start my claim for youth allowance? Can I start now or do I have to wait after I turn 18?
So I applied for a job at McDonald's and I got an interview. The interview seemed okay, well at least in my mind. The interviewer asked my some questions and I answered them okay, she even asked my size, for some reason. However in the end, she said" We'll call you back on either Tuesday or next...
Hi guys, I was just wondering whether it is possible for me to work full time and also study full time at University?
I have to help out at my dad's news agency from 11pm to 8am the next day, everyday. I'm also planning on studying full time university next year. Is it possible to survive like...
Hey guys! I finished my HSC (wohooo!!) and I really want a job, since I've never had any work experience, since my parents always wanted to me to focus on my studies. Do you guys have any tips or suggestions for where or what jobs to start with? Low or crappy wages isn't a problem with me, I...
My school was ranked 181 last year. My ranks are as follows:
Maths 3U- 1|31
Maths 4U- 2|8
Biology- 4|66
Chemistry- 6|45
English Standard- 6|83
SOR- 4|13
These are the marks I think I've gotten so far (raw):
Eng(standard): 70/105
Ext 1 Math: 56-59/70
Ext 2 Math :68-71/100
Hi! so I'm first in maths extension 1 in my school (only because I aced all my assessments which were incredibly easy), but I did poorly in my externals. I think i got around 56-59/ 70 raw based on carrotsticks' solution. I know heaps of people who got above 60/70 raw in my cohort. Will i still...
Hey guys I'm doing Extension 2 Maths and was wondering what the HSC test could contain, topic-wise. According to my teacher it will probably be mainly Mechanics because the 2012 paper had no questions on that topic. If that's the case, then I am totally screwed as Mechanics is my weak point...
So what would happen if the HSC markers couldn't read my handwriting? Would i get zero or would they give an low mark??? :(
This is my typical handwriting in an exam:
p.s. My handwriting was actually way worse in the hsc than on the above link. :'(
So I just need a rough ATAR guess if i get these HSC marks.
English Standard- 70ish
MXT1- 90
BIO- 75-80
CHEM- 75-80
SORI- 35-40
school rank for 2012 is ~181
So I got my trial and overall ranks back! (Yay for some subjects!!)
Eng. Standard: 5/83
MXT1: 1/31
MXT2: 2/8
Chemistry: 6/45
Biology: 4/66
SOR I: 4/12
school rank: 181~
P.s. all of those ranks are my overall rankings
Please reply some ATAR estimates!
Thanks!! :)
Hey guys I'm new here but just wondering if anyone could do an ATAR estimate for me. My aim is 90+, (i know I'm definitely not getting that :frown2: )
Eng. Standard:
internal mark:70/100
internal mark 83/100
internal mark 83/100
Maths EXT1...