It very intensive and alot of work is covered in a short amount of time, not as easy as it seems. But some people do have it easier. I have friends doing 25-30 hours a week and i have only 15hours!
Well unfortunately theres nothing you can do about the amount of subjects you can do unless you overload in 2nd semester or take summer school, but the four that you have already look like a good mix of subjects,quite broad and really interesting subjects.
And you can always take up Gender...
Yes i had 5 hours in a row from 9am-2pm on a monday which was hectic. The worse part was the commerce lectures/tutes took place on one side of usyd and the arts units wer on the other side. and usyd camperdown campus is huge so yeah distance is a factor.
Yeah i have, they're pretty good, the lead singer reminds me of PJ Harvey.
Anyway i'm a big Radiohead fan so Thom Yorke gets my vote, but Jeff Buckley is good of course!!!
btw just got back from seeing the Flaming Lips who blew me away!!!
The extro account is also used for Printing services at the various Computer Access areas around uni, which can be very helpful when needing to print out documets, assignments or Lecture notes, You just put money into the account and you can start printing. btw it cost 8c a page!
Try sociology which is a great subject. The lecturers are good and most if not all of the tutors are PHD students. The subject is quite broad and you study a wide range of theories and concepts!!!
Yeah it is scary having to be stuck in first year mode surrounded buy first years, but i'm sure it'll be fine. Most of my friends are moving into 2nd year, leaving me alone, so i gotta do that whole meeting new people routine.
I'm doing acct1B, marketing principles, Microeconomics...
When they send out your UAC offer, the university that has offered you the place will also send details of how and when you have to enrol and the things to bring e.g. Tax File Number, Money etc.
1. the arts/commerce degree is not focused on any one degree. You do the amount of cp required by each course but you don't specialise on one particular side of the degree.
2. Yes. You will recieve two separate degrees. An arts degree and a Commerce degree. Also you get to attend two...
Most Courses require you to apply online or to call for expressions of interest. Some science course need an application form. And yes you can apply on enrolment day.
What course are you thinking of doing in particular?
Deatils of orientation week can be found on the website, including the timetables for welcome lectures, information seminars, faculty welcomes and short courses.